Chapter thirty five

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Josh came home and I was feeding Mateo on the couch

Josh: Hey what's wrong Riley

Riley: Oh nothing I just have been going through a lot of stress with the whole Carson thing how did it go with Stella

Josh: Well she was supposed to only be there for and hour but then Stella decided that she didn't want to stay the whole time. The therapist recommended that we take her at least two times a week until she moves on from the Carson thing

Riley: Okay but did you tell the lady that it just happened literally last week she can't just expect Stella to get over it in like 2 weeks she lost her brother

Josh: She also said that we should have one with us and Charli talking about custody plans so that way Stella will be able to be with Carson a few times a week

Riley: We can't do that Josh because Charli said she wanted us out of Carson's life for good which means that Stella can't see him again

Josh: Why does everything have to be a fight with you

Riley: No Josh I wasn't trying to start a fight between us but you have to start realizing what is happening here

Josh: What is happening then

Riley: Josh we have three kids now who all need our attention and we have each other. I can't keep being with you if you're always questioning me about if I want you or Chase when I made it very clear I only wanted you. My mom told me what happened and I can't believe you would even doubt me like that. We also have kids who need there parents and we keep going back to get our other son who needs to move on in his life as well

Josh: You don't understand do you. I was the one who wanted Carson not you and the only reason I question you all of the time is because you always have something going on with Chase you always have to be apart of his life somehow. I was the one who wanted to move on I was the one who wanted to not have Stella go to therapy and keep her home and surround her around other kids but you're the one who insists on her grieving

Riley: Because Josh she needs to be able to grieve the loss of her best friend without you always on her ass about being out here with us. She is five years old and so much has happened to her in this past year so excuse me for trying to get her the help she needs and I left Chase after all of these years to be with you because I love you

Josh: I love you too Riley I'm sorry I doubted you I know you just want what's best for our daughter

Stella: Are you guys fighting

Josh: No Stella we were just having a conversation don't worry mom and dad love each other very much

Riley: And you never need to worry about us because no matter what we love each other and most importantly we love you and your brothers and sister. I know right now is a tough time with what is happening with your other brother but he is with his other mom now do you remember Charli

Stella: She is Carson's mom but so are you

Josh: I know it is complicated but you are going to see him on your birthday and christmas

Stella: I love you guys

Josh and Riley: We love you too bubs

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