Chapter twenty two

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Josh grabbed my purse and told me to get in the car

Riley: I don't deserve you I swear

Josh: Riley after everything you've been through, yes you do deserve me

Riley: I hope you know how much I love you

Josh: I love you to Riley

We arrived at this super fancy restaurant when all of a sudden a few  kids came up to our car

Fans: Are you guys Riley and Josh

Josh: Yes we are how can we help you

Fans: We love you guys can we please get a picture

Riley: Of course what are your names

fan 1: My name is Emma 

fan 2: My name is Hailey 

Josh: Those are great names 

We took pictures with the fans and said our goodbyes and then went to dinner 

Josh: I'm so happy that we get to make other people happy 

Riley: I'm just happy that I made the right choice to be with you 

Josh and I  had an amazing dinner and then started to film for our next youtube video 


Riley: Hey guys today we are going to be filming our night out without the kids. The kids are at their grandmas house and we just went out to dinner 

Josh: We also thought we would address somethings that were brought to my attention on twitter about our whole situation with Carson and Charli.

Riley: Currently we are not taking care of Carson and he is with a family member and for his privacy that is all we can say. We  have nothing bad to say about Charli so if you are here for us to trash talk her click off this video because we aren't going to 

Josh: we decided that the best thing for our family was to have Carson stay with family so that way we can focus on Stella feeling like she isn't being left out 

Riley: We also know how much you guys look up to us and we want to say that however yes it is good doing things for other people, somethimes you have to do things that are best for you. In no way shape or form do we hate Charli or Carson this was a decision between me and Josh 

*Filming ended*

Josh: I feel bad that he couldn't  stay with us I mean think about it he was just calling us mom and dad yesterday 

Riley: I know Josh but think about it we have so much going on with the twins and so much going on with Stella that we can't focus on another child. 

Josh: I think we should go to Dixie's and pick up our son

Riley: You really think so 

Josh: Yes, normally I hate Chase and want nothing to do with him but I think that everything happens for a reason and I think that in the past few months Stella has been hanging out with Carson before this whole accident that she has grown to love him and that he is super respectful and with us as his parents and  with the twins and Stella that he will have such a successful life. I can see us five years down the road with him and our other children opening presents on christmas morning. 

Riley: Okay Josh let's go get our son 

Josh and I drove to Dixie's to go get Carson 

Dixie: Hey why are you guys here I thought you had a dinner date 

Carson walked over and ran to Riley

Carson: Mom and dad you're back 

Dixie: I don't know what there here for buddy it might not be for you 

Riley: Well actually we came here to get our son. Although he may still be Charli's we are happy to have him come live with us and we want to take him back home 

Josh: If that is okay with you Dixie we will be glad to take him now 

Dixie: Okay, you heard them Carson go get your bags

Carson: I'm going home

Will you choose the right one?//Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now