going his own way

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They following Morning Pin packed his bags and said his goodbyes to his friends at bright fields. It was not easy for him to walk away from everything, from bright fields, From his friends, from Elvis, and especially from Zoe.

Zoe walked over to the pier as the fairy made its way to the island.

this wasn't easy for either of them but the bond and the love they had could last it was only about two months they could deal with that.

Zoe wraps her arms around pins neck

Zoe: I love you so.. much

she fought to hold back tears.

Pin: Zo... what if i can't do this what if i choke in front of everyone....

Zoe: Hey don't think like that you are going to do amazing i will be waiting right here when you come back.

Pin: watch out for elvis for me

Zoe: I will

Pin: i love you so much Zoe Philips I promise you once i get back i'm never leaving your side again.

Zoe starts to respond when a strange yet annoyingly familiar Voice is heard

voice : enough with all the chit chat and let's go.

Zoe turned around to see the devil incarceration  the girl who almost got raven taken away from her after trying to steal her from her.
Pin went wide eyed

Zoe: Gabby?

Pin: they chose you
pins voice sounded of disbelief

Gabby : Don't sound so shocked i am one of the superior riders on the island!

Zoe looked down regretting encouraging pin to go away especially with satan herself.

Gabby: Anyways let's get a move on shall we

gabby grabs her bag pulling it behind her as she gets on board the fairy.

Zoe: I can't believe this

Pin: It will be fine Baby girl i love you sooo much.

he gives her a comforting hug knowing it will be the last one for quite some time.

Zoe : I love you too.

pin tells she is sad and tries to brighten her spirits

Pin: hey we can Video chat and text all the time.

Zoe nodded.
Zoe: go on
she looked at the boat.

He leans in kissing her one last time there lips fit together like two puddle pieces.

With that he turned around and headed back towards the boat  getting on board.

Zoe stood there for a while watching as the Fairy departed  when her phone beeped

Pin/ i love you always and forever ❤️

she smiled feeling a tad better about everything however something still seemed ... off.

she walked over to Elvis stroking his Maine he will be back soon boy with that she hoped onto Elvis riding him to the stables.

Once she got to the yard she hopped off Elvis leading him to his stall.

Becky: Zoe Oh my bob.

becky reaches out giving her a hug  
she didn't realize till beck wiped her cheeks that she was crying.

Zoe: i'm fine he will be back soon

she said as she petted Elvis giving him reassurance.

Elvis put his nose out to smell Zoe before giving a Nay but it took her a moment to realize what was going on.

Zoe: You smell pin don't you
she said looking at pins  green jacket she had on before smiling.

Jade : If your up for it we can go on a hack and have a picnic lunch weird though it was mias idea she thought it might cheer you up.

she said walking over to the two girls.

Zoe: sure i'm going to go take a shower and i'll be back in about a hour.

sounds good the two other girls mumbled at the same time.

Hey lovelies i'm aware that this chapter was a little short and i might be rushing things a bit but it will keep getting better i promise.
XoXo Laura 💕🌊♾

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