Self concious

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• Zoe •

Pin and i spent the rest of our day talking and catching up as we haven't talked in over a month

Pin and i walked in silence to his house he held my hand and didn't let go.

I know he loved me and i know that i love him.

I am willing to do whatever i can to make this relationship work.

We approach the door steps to his house.

: your dads not home right?

Pin: No he gets back in the day after tomorrow.

thank god if he hates me and wants to scream at me i don't know if i could take it not today anyways.

Pin: Come on let's go

he leads me into the house looking back smiling at me as we make our way up to Pins Bedroom i look out seeing the sun is almost all the way down the horizon.

Pin looks at me in the eyes.

Pin: What's going on in that head of yours?

: not a lot today's just been a stressful day

Pin: ik baby he pulls me into a hug.

He goes to his dresser drawer pulling out one of his t shirts and a pair of athletic shorts that cone down past my knees.

Pin: here.

i slip out of my leggings putting the shorts on. I start to mess with the hem of my sweatshirt.

Pin: what's wrong?

: Nothing it's just... I don't know just a little self conscious i guess

i look down feeling a little sad.

Pin: Zoe you are beautiful you know that right.

i smile at him just a little before thinking.

: Ik it's just I don't know i feel like i'm getting fat.

Pin: Your not getting Fat your pregnant and either way i still love you.

i smile at him slipping on his shirt.

He smiles at me before picking me up bridal style laying me in bed.

I lay down on my back before looking into pins eyes god he is so kind and perfect he's everything i could ever ask for.

I feel a bump hitting my stomach.

i look at pin wide eyed
: The baby's kicking

I feel a huge grin grow on my face as i grab Pins hand placing it on my baby bump he looks at me with a huge grin.

Pin: Your going to be a amazing mother you know that?

:And you will be a amazing father.

Pin lays back down as i snuggle closer to him resting my head on his bare shirt less chest clinging to him, both arms wrapped around him.

I feel myself starting to drift off as pins hand is pressed onto my bump.

Ahhhhhh ok so i decided to discontinue this book however there will be one last chapter


I would like to know if y'all would like to read another Zin Pregnancy Fanfic because before i started this one i started another Zin book so Lemme know if you want me to continue that! that one would be filled with lots more Zin! 

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