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Ok so ...

I just looked and This story is number 8 In free rein so yayy🎉

And I decided that this story will be needing a little flair. So i decided to go and add Gabby's Pov, Might me short but trust me when i say your going to want to read this for later on.

• Gabby •

< Time skip back to The day Her and Pin arrived. >
I Watch as Zoe and Susie go around to the side of the stables making there way out as they check both ways for Any sign of pin.

I can't believe She's pregnant, and i can't believe that She's not going to tell pin.

The thing is he Is talking about staying and if he stays around to long he will find out when Zoe becomes the size of A watermelon.

He can't find out Zoe is pregnant with his kid however if he was to find out ...

" Zoe is Pregnant with someone else and she cheated on him as soon as he left"

He will be so mad at her and humiliated he will come back to the academy with me for sure.
Not only that maybe he will even try to give US a chance and move on from Zoe, Once we are together i'm sure I can convince him to give me raven as well and all will be right with the world.

I sit down on the hay bail daydreaming about pin and I and our soon to be relationship.


I look down into the hay bales to see a phone in a purple sparkly phone case with a Z in the bottom corner.

Well i think it's safe to say i know who this belongs to.

I slide open the phone seeing that Zoe has no password.

i hear footsteps as i slip the phone into my jean pocket.

Pin: Gabby there you are i was looking for you

: Well i'm right here

i say as a smile.
Pin smiles back at me.

Pin: I have some work to do, I was wondering if you needed me to drive you over to holloway?

: Umm.. No i'm fine i'm just going to walk and stretch my legs after the long car ride.

Pin: Oh ok i will see you later!
Lunch Tomorrow Noon?

: Yep sounds great.

Pin turns around and walks away starring at a bunch of papers in his hand.

Present Day

I stare up at the ceiling thinking about what i'm going to do. I'm currently stuck back in my old room at holloway. I have a few hours before i am meeting Pin.

I slip on my jean jacket as
I pull Zoe's phone out of my pocket.

I unlock the phone scrolling through Zoe's phone, God this girl has like no life, not to mention no interesting texts at all.

I look at the call log seeing her Mom at the end of the very bottom of the list, I couldn't could I?

Oh who am i kidding?

I hit the dial button letting the phone ring

:Hi this is a Friend of Zoe's I'm calling to talk to you about Zoe, I'm getting a little Worried about her state

Zoe's Mom: I'm sorry i'm
not following?

: she is really down and stressed it's really not good for the baby you know.

Zoe's Mom: The what

The screech fills through the line as i feel a smile start to grow on my face as i press the end button on Zoe's Phone.

I toss the phone into a blanket.

You know what I've took care of the whole Maggie situation, i think it's time that i pay give pin a little News.

Not to worry more chapters coming later today, and Pin will be finding out about the baby!

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