Feels like im cheating

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Before i start I'm just going to say this might not be your favorite chapter but, I'm going to attempt to write this the best I can from pins side and more of whats going on at the academy.



Trainer: Ok Hawthorn why don't you saddle up Blaze and meet me out in the field for a training session

my trainer calls out to me. Blaze is the horse I am set up to be training with for the grand competition next week, Although it kinda feels like I'm cheating on Elvis. Last time I competed I did it with him and I should be doing that now but I can't argue with what they say I was asked to come here and compete and that's what I intend to do. Besides Elvis is in good hands back home Zoe is taking care of him.

Then there's Zoe, Oh god how I miss her so much. she is the reason I'm here right now if she wouldn't have convinced me to compete at nationals the scout would have never asked me to come here and Leaving, it wasn't an easy decision for me or for her but, she encouraged me to pursue this even if it meant being away from her.

I wish more than anything that I could hold her in my arms right now and just be there for her.

I often wish I was at bright fields with Elvis and Zoe and everyone else.

I have to try not to think about that especially My Zo god every time I think of her I wanna hop on a plane and go back, Don't get me wrong its amazing here and I would love to stay and train but, I wish Zo could have come with me if she was here then everything would honestly be perfect.

She is ... Perfect, She is so amazing.

Zoe haven't texted me in a while after she responded to the text i sent last week i worry sometimes she's having second thoughts about me, about us, I couldn't really blame her.

Trainer: Let's go Hawthorn

he snaps me out of my daze , I go to grab blaze, If only things were different.

I slide my phone out of my pocket into my locker before going to the training session out in the field.

• Gabby •


I watch as pin stands there holding blaze.

Trainer: Let's go hawthorn
he calls out to him as i see pin reach into his pocket.

he slides his phone out of his pocket as protocol as here we aren't aloud to have phones on us when we're training I watch him put his phone back into his locker before walking off.

After Pin walks off i make my way to his locker.

I glance around seeing no one in sight.

I lift up on the locker with no lock.
i look around to see a jacket a wallet and .. BINGO! the phone i do the same thing i have done for the past few days.

i slide open his phone the password being the day him and Zoe started dating which is the same day he found out he was a duke.

No new messages from Zoe, at least Not today for the past few days Zoe has been texting here non stop he usually leaves his phone in his locker for the day as soon as he starts training.

Buzz- Buzz

the phone rings in my hand i look around smiling wickedly.


I go back into the call log deleting
the missed call just like i deleted the rest of the texts from Zoe.

God doesn't she ever stop, How long can this relationship go on anyways?
i silence his phone before throwing it back into his locker slamming it shut.

alright well i'm sorry if this was bad but, i didn't really know how to put this in pins perspective because there's not much to it besides training however i do plan on having atleast one more chapter in Pins point of view.

Shout out to


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