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As Becky managed to get the lead rope onto the pony she mounted Bob so she could lead her back behind her.

the pony jumped up standing on its back legs it didn't like to be lead.

Becky: What are we gonna do now

: I have a idea get off bob for a minute.

becky does as i say as i hop off of Elvis

Jade: What are you doing?

: you'll see

Becky: now what?

: Grab the lead rope and start walking her forwards
towards Major and Elvis

Becky nods doing so as the horse doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

Jade: Wow that worked she is so calm.

Becky : You are a horse whisperer like amy from that Canadian
Tv show.

• If you got that reference I LOVE YOU comment below for a shout out•

: i'm no horse whisperer but i can tell that you and her have a connection becky

she smiles as she begins to pet the pony's mane.

I hop onto Elvis before moving to grab Bobs reins.

Jade looks up from her phone sliding it into her back pocket.

Jade: Mia says she is going to call the Dr. Borden down to have a look and Susie and her are doing there research i sent her a photo.

Becky: Alright lets get moving then Zoe you good leading bob?

: yep no problem

i say looking over at him.

we track on down the trail going at a slow speed beings becky is walking.

Becky: I wonder ego could be so cruel to leave her there like that

Jade: I don't know but from the looks she had been there for a while.

: Yeah Hopefully Mia can find something out.

Becky: How old soul you think she could be.

I stop Elvis right as we approach he field looking down
at him

:here give her this

i say as i pull a treat out of my left pocket handing it to becky.
I watch her gobble the treat up quickly looking for markings.

: Pin and me came across a pony a few months ago he was called when the horse just randomly showed up in the stables field apparently you can tell a horses age based on there teeth markings and patterns.

Jade: that's right i remember reading that in my animal science book

: I'm guessing she's about 7 years old from what i can tell the vet can tell us more once we get to the stables.

we continue to walk into the field as Mia and Susie come out from the hay bales

Mia: Dr. Borden is here bring her to the back pin
And then come with me into the office you have to see this.

We walk behind the stables handing her off to Dr. Borden before following Mia to the office.

Mia: Your not going to believe you this

we all crowd around the office laptop screen to see the pony appear on the screen.

Becky: That's her

Susie: Yeah shes a world class jumper and, dressage horse she is the youngest horse to ever achieve this many medals she basically won anything she entered.

: Wow seriously

Mia: Yeah and not only that she's a Selle Franicis

: A what

Jade : Oh my god Selle Franicis horses are sold at around 15 million dollars each.

Mia: I know i can't believe this.

: So what's going to happen to her

Susie: Well i talked to my dad who is the sheriff and she can't go back to her previous owners as they did abandon her so for now she had to stay here.

Becky: So i can keep her

becky gets excited like she is about to start jumping up and down

Mia: Don't get your hopes up she's a valuable horse we can't just keep her as a pleasure pony.

: we can't get rid of her becky and her have a bond

Mia: Do they now

mia questions as she looks at becky and me before sighing looking down

Mia: Remember how i told you, you would need to learn jumping for the county show?

Becky practically jumps for joy getting at where Mia is going.

Mia: Don't get two excited yet we will see how you do you have a lesson behind Zoe at 10 tomorrow to start training with Marcus i expect you to give it 110%

Becky jumps as she begins to squeal wrapping Mia in a hug Mias face is slightly in shock before it softens as she wraps her arms around becky.

After The horse was give a clean bill of health and some new feed to help her gain back strength i headed home and threw myself onto the bed exhausted with the days events

I reach for my back pocket before pressing to call button on Pins profile picture.




/ Hello you have reached Pin I will call you back as soon as possible/

Voicemail figures.

Ok soo Next chapter is where things are going to get good!
It will explain some things and show y'all some of pins pov!!

XoXo Laura 💕🌊♾

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