Dreams become reality

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• Zoe •

The next morning

I wake up me laying on my side, I turn over expecting to see pin next to me however he's not there. Where is he?

I stand up out of the bed we had shared seeing a line of rose pedals leading down the stairs.

I throw on a pair of leggings i left over here months ago and put on one of Pins jackets.

I follow the pedals as the lead out the door.

What is going on?

I step outside into the cool morning breeze and to my surprise the pedals lead all the way down the road
I look to my side to see Raven and Marcus along with all of my friends.

I walk over giving Susie a hug,

: I thought you were leaving today.

Susie: I got a later flight out i couldn't miss this.

: Miss what , Guys what's going on?

Everyone looks at me smiling as i notice Pin is the only one not here.

Marcus:  We were told to tell you to follow the roses.

I look around feeling a smile on my face I get on top of raven as we follow the rose petals down the road.

after about 5 minutes of riding we turn off onto a path right across from bright fields.

I walk down the path it's kinda weird i've lived here for almost four years now and i never knew this existed until now I look as the rose petals stop i hop off of raven as i see a massive wooden house.

What is happening. I look and see pin in his usual Red checkered flannel jacket and jeans.
He looks at me smiling.

I tie raven next to elvis before joining pin in the field.

I look at him and see how happy he looks!
Pin makes me happy and no one now can take that away.

Pin takes both of my hands in his and looks at me in the eyes

Pin: What do you think?

: it's a beautiful house

Pin: Well i'm glad you like it, It's ours!

: You bought a house

Pin: yes, yes i did indeed.

I wrap my arms around him pulling him into a hug. God i love this boy so much.

Pin looks at me in the eyes i can tell he's a little nervous but why?

Pin: I can't be your bf anymore,

I feel my heart sink.

: What?

Pin looks at me smiling before getting down on one knee pulling a small box out of his pocket.

My Heart is beating so loud i can feel it through my chest.

Pin: Zoe Marie ( i don't know her middle name)  Philips I have loved you for four years now the moment i saw you something about you just wouldn't leave my head you were all i could think about now, Zo i want to spend the rest of my life with you and our child, I will never leave you and i will always protect you. So This i ask of you, Zoe Marie Philips will you marry me?

I feel my cheeks heat up as i smile at him.
: Yes

He slips the rind on bringing me into a passionate kiss and a hug.

I hear clapping and for the first time i realize all of our friends are standing behind us. Life couldn't be better than it was at this moment.

On February 16th at 4:01 am a beautiful little girl, Arrow Jane Hawthorn was brought into the world. by her mother and father Zoe and Peter Hawthorn.

a few months later in the fall Zoe walked out into the sunset sitting in a lawn chair outside the hawthorns old home the home pin and his dad grew up in nothing had changed. They were there visiting Ted for dinner.

Zoe closes her eyes taking in the salt water smell.

she opened her eyes and hears the sound of pins voice.

Pin: come on go see mom

She turned around to see Pin walking towards her bending down helping their little baby girl to walk.
Zoe bends down looking at Arrow , that her and pin had made. It was their child hers and pins.
The baby was adorable, Zoe wrapped Arrow up in a hug before holding the toddler on her hip. She looks up at Pin smiling.
Zoe kisses Arrows  forehead and then kisses pin on the cheek smiling.
Zoe: I love you peter hawthorn
Pin: I love you too Zoe hawthorn.
He looks at her with an huge smile. Everything had seemed to come down to this moment and it was all perfect!

Hey so new Zin book coming out next week it will have more zin don't worry!! I can't wait for y'all to read it. Thanks for everyone who stuck it out and read the whole book 📚

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