None other than Peter Hawthorn

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There before me was no other than Peter Hawthorn

The Duke, My Ex-boyfriend, The father of my unborn child, not to mention that he has no idea about the baby.

I look up into his eyes and I can see his expression soften,

He starts to say my name as the three letters roll off his lips.

I...I cant.

i turn around running away, I run not sure where I'm going, I keep moving before finding myself in the hay bails I sit down a bail of hay trying to catch my breath. i realize suddenly I'm crying.

Oh my god I thought I would have time, I knew eventually he would come back but I kinda thought he would stay down there for longer.

Especially considering he won every show, how do I know this well I may or may not have spent several nights crying eating ice cream while watching replays of Pin riding his new horse during competitions and practices.

God why did he have to come back now?

Susie: Zoe are you alright?

i shake my head no. I can't breathe, Oh god I can't breathe

Susie: Hey it's okay. I'm guessing you saw Pin. He just showed up here early this morning out of the blue.

I nod my head.

Susie: I tried to text you didn't you get my message.

I shake my head.

:my phone is at home on charge.

After a few minutes i mange to catch my breath.

Susie: Are you okay?

I nod.

: is it noticeable?

I ask gesturing towards my Stomach

Susie : No you look great Zoe

: Thanks, i don't know how long i'm going to be able hide it It just kinda showed up there sometime while i was sleeping.

Susie laughed.

Susie: Have you thought about telling Pin the truth?

: No he made his choice, I have to do this on my own, I just, I don't know how i'm going to pay for everything not to mention i need to find a place to live.

Susie: Don't worry you will figure something out, your so strong for figuring this out all on your own.

:Thank you susie.

I try to give her a smile, i'm so scared. I need Pin now more than ever. Why did he have to give up on us?
It hurt so bad seeing him here.

: Can you help sneak me out of here?

I ask trying to joke to lighten the mood.

susie giggles a little.
Susie: Of course!

There will be a Pin chapter soon!!

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