Black out

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So this is the chapter i have been so excited to write so here it goes!!

• Zoe •

I woke up This morning a little late by the time i got ready and went down stairs it was almost
8 when i have a lesson with Marcus at 8:05.

Good thing i didn't feel sick today, I think i'm finally over that bug anyways i have to get going i think grabbing my phone off the charger stopping for a second to look at the screen

2 messages from pony squad
4 from Rosie
1 From gramps
3 from Mia

and surprise , surprise 0 from the one i wanted to hear from the most.

I'll just text him anyways

To pin: Hey babe , I haven't heard from you and i miss you so much i can't wait to see you soon love you!😘

I hope he responds this time.

Now i'm officially late I throw
my phone onto the bed thinking i will just have to see if he responds later.

I head on down to they stables grabbing a apple from the kitchen before heading out the door.

Maybe when pin gets back we can do something. I really just want to spend time with him, with Pin I feel safe. I know he loves me and he actually cares about me i has other Boyfriends back home but, it wasn't like this i didn't wonder all day if they were going to text or call and when i went to check my messages i wasn't let down that i hadn't heard from them before i never felt like i was wanted but when i'm with pin and he speaks to me so soft and slow and when he tells me something like, when he tells me it will be okay i believe him and it always is he is the one i know it.

with pin there's love he loves me and will protect me and will care for me and be there through the rest of my life i just no it every inch of my body knows it and if that's not true Love than i don't know what is.

I walk through the stables towards ravens stall.

Marcus: Your late, are you up to training or are you sick?

: No i'm fine i got this I haven't felt sick today so i'm guessing that bug is gone now.

Marcus: Very well lets go then we got a county fair to win.

i saddle up raven glancing at the picture on the wall.

Me and Pin.

alright put him out of your head and get your game face on.

I lead Raven by the reins
: come on raven let's go

I look over to see the horse we found yesterday.
there she is she was gorgeous.

i walk him into the arena as
Marcus holds open the gate.
I soon notice Becky and Mia sitting on the fence they were sure up early.

Mia: Don't mind us i'm just giving Becky some pointers for here lesson this morning

: Alright

i can see the slightly scared look on Becky's face.
I give her a hug

:you'll do horsome
i whisper in her ear.

she smiles at me before i go over to the other side of the fence to mount raven

Marcus: Alright lets see you go over a few jumps.

i nod.

i run through the course almost 15 times each time Marcus gives me corrections but, i feel good it's good getting back into the saddle.

Marcus: Why don't you try it one more time and we can get a new set up.

: Alright sounds good.

i head over the first one as my vision becomes slightly blurred it's probably fine next jump my head pounds next thing i know all i feel is pain hit into my shoulder as everything goes black.

Okie sooooo, you are probably wondering what the hell is going on and i promise you will find out soon enough!!
some of you have guessed already and your answer will be confirmed in chapters to come!

Shout out to: SkyShrout2
thanks for all the comments and feedback!! 💓


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