Zoes heartbreak

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After a moment of thinking i decided it was time, I pulled out my phone texting pin.

To Pin: Can we talk ?? I miss you 😘

i set my phone down it might be a while before he respo...


he had already responded.

From Pin: I miss you too, i actually want to talk to you too.

a few seconds later my phone begins to ring.

I accept the call on my computer, waiting for the call to connect.

The screen comes on showing Pin sitting there on what looked to be his bed. I angle the screen so he can't see the cast i don't want him to worry about me.

: Hi
i said smiling as he smiled at me i missed seeing his face.

Pin: Hey Zo, i'm glad you texted i actually have something to tell you.

: So do i

Pin: Go ahead you can go first

i think that's not a good. plus i can tell he's really excited

: No really it can wait.

yeah it's just the fact that your gonna be a father no biggie.

Pin: You sure

: Yep go ahead.

Pin: Ok i'm just going to come right out and say it so i was called down to the head coaches office today and they want me to stay permanently... i got a spot on the team for the rest of the season.

Oh my god my heart starts to hurt.
: Pin..

Pin: No Zoe look it gets better, there giving me a place to stay and i want you to come down here with me you can stay and train with raven. It would be amazing.

He expects me to leave?

: Pin.. I .. I can't just leave.

Pin: what

: I'm sorry

Pin: Are you serious right now why not your 19 Zoe It's time for you to live a little. Let loose.

: Let loose? Pin i have responsibilities.

I start to choke back tears as i can feel his next words striking me.

Pin: Well maybe that's the problem Zoe your trying to grow up to fast, God why can't you just be happy for me.

his voice is raised i can feel the pain as if he's right next to me.

: I am happy for you but I , I just can't.

I'm going to need to be with my friends and family and Pin i need to tell him I'm going to tell him.

Pin:I thought you loved me

: Pin i do i really do i just..

i trailed off feeling a tear fall.

Pin: Lemme guess You can't...

His voice was like acid hitting my skin it hurt me so badly

Pin:... You Know what I don't think i can do this anymore.

: What are you saying

my voice unsteady

Pin: i think , I think it's best if we broke up.

: Fine if that's how you feel than fine, I don't need you pin , Screw you.

This one was short but there is another Zoe part coming after the next chapter, You thought this was bad wait til you read the next chapter Which might i add is in Pins Pov things are about to get Interesting Not to mention Gabby will be in the next one.
A broken heart and a psychopath who is a miniputative compulsive liar are a equation for BAD decisions.

New Chapter will be up at 5 !!

- XoXo Laura💕🌊♾

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