Everyones here but you

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Mia : come on let's go down stairs the others are on there way over.

Zoe only nodded as she felt she had a new perspective on this whole thing.

Mia handed her a make up wipe to remove the mascara smeared around her eyes.

the Two girls walked down stairs.

Zoe: Mia can i ask you something

Mia: sure go ahead.

Zoe: Why didn't you tell the father

Mia looked down taking in a sharp breath of air.

Zoe: I'm sorry i shouldn't have asked.

Mia: No it's fine, I felt guilty like it was all my fault and i figured i would suffer by the pain of keeping the secret i never even told susie, I loved him i did i just couldn't face him and that's why we grew apart i wish he knew more than ever but he can't.

Zoe: I understand that maybe one day you can tell him, would i be horrible if i never told pin.

Mia: No you wouldn't be horrible at all he made his bed now he can lye in it he left so you shouldn't feel guilty about not telling him but that doesn't mean you won't.

Zoe: I'm just scared to face him

the two girls take a seat on the couch.

Mia: i get that but you can't control what's bound to happen.

Zoe nodded as much as she hated to agree with Mia was absolutely right she should have told pin last night.

I doubt i will see him again atleast not for a while so i'll worry about it then.
Zoe thought to herself.

Knock Knock Knock.

Mia: I'll get it.

Mia goes and opens the door.

First becky and Alex walk in followed by Jade Susie Then Marcus.

They all go into the living room and take a seat,

Becky and Alex sharing a chair with becky sitting in Alex's lap.

Jade and susie Sit on the either couch  as marcus sits alone in the other chair half expecting mia to join him.

Instead however she joins Zoe on the other couch.

Jade: how are, you doing

Zoe: I'm fine.

Susie: I heard about what happen, is there anything we can do

Zoe: No I'm okay

Marcus: Have you heard from Pin?

Zoe opens her mouth to speak before closing fiddling with her hands that rested down in her lap.

Mia looks at Marcus before giving Zoe a sympathetic look.

everyone looks at Zoe waiting for a response.

she picks her head up wiping away a tear with her hand.

Zoe: He broke up with me last night.

you could feel the room tense up no one knew what to say.

Zoe manages to speak as she looks around the room letting out a deep breath.

Zoe: Tha... Thats why i would appreciate if you wouldn't tell him...

everyone looks around her anxious to hear what she has to say.

Zoe: I ummm, i ..i'm ...

she felt a weight lifting off of her shoulders.

Susie: OH
Jade: MY
Becky: BOB

everyone looked shocked.

Alex: is that why he broke up with you

he exchanged looks with Marcus before nodding.

Marcus: Well i still got that shot gun in the old jeep Alex you driving.

Zoe laughs feeling the tension lighten.

Zoe: actually He doesn't know, he broke up with me after we got into a argument about me moving down there i should also mention that he is going to be staying down there.

zoe looks down trying to to get upset.

Susie: Are you going to tell him?

Zoe nods her head no.

Zoe: I would appreciate if he didn't find out.

Everyone nods in agreement.

The next chapter will mostly be a Mia And Her lost love Chapter Just FYI!
Also sorry if this one sucked i just am trying to get as much as i can in before i get to the time jump which is coming soon!

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