Something like GP

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• Two Days Later•

I wake up to a sick feeling in my gut as i run to the bathroom with one hand over my mouth the other clutching my stomach.

The feeling is kinda weird after i get it out of my system i'm fine, I'm still not going back to training yet as Marcus is out of town on a Trainer course for the weekend.

Becky keeps trying to convince me i could have been marked by ghost pony and need to see a doctor Or my stomach will explode all over the place.

She probably was right but, i couldn't go to the doctor cause gramps would know and he would cancel his plans truth is i'm fine as the day goes on i feel better i still think i have a stomach bug it usually goes around this time of the year in LA.


Jade: Up for a hack

she walks in to see me on the ground

Jade: Zoe are you okay

: I'm fine i actually feel a lot better now when do you want to go

Jade: whenever we can meet becky at the old barn she's out searching for GP again.

: Alright i'll be down in 5

Jade: are you sure you feel ok

: Yes i feel great new go tack up Major

i slightly laugh

Jade walks out of the room shutting the door behind her.

i stand up from the cold floor before sliding the doors open to my closet.

i grab a pair of leggings and pins green jacket.

God how i missed him so much. he texted me last night for the first time in almost two weeks.

saying he had been super busy working on new techniques. He sounds like he's having fun. This might sound selfish but truth be told i'm really glad he's coming home soon i miss him sooo much
but, i will just have to suffer a little while longer.

Ted got beck in town the other day i saw him at the stables saying hi to Elvis, he said he hasn't heard much from Pin either i guess a little relieved it's not just me he is leaving this evening to go back into the city though so i'm back to watching Elvis too.

I zip up the hoodie as i race down then stairs heading to the stables.
i make my way threw gramps lawn using the wooden box to jump over the fence as i walk to the stables.

I go to see raven Is in the round pin being turned out so i think for a second i could just wait til he's done but then once more my attention goes to Elvis he perks up seeing me.

I saddle him up before mounting him as i see jade and major waiting by the Hay bales.

Jade: you sure your fine

: yes come on let's race

i say as i lean forward in my saddle.

Jade: no fair your cheating

she says as i pass her by.

We dash through the field over the fence which was a easy jump for Elvis.

once we get a little ways from bright fields we slow down.

Elvis was faster than i thought it was probably because i'm used to holding onto pin and i'm always so focused on him instead of the speed in which we are moving.

Jade: That was amazing did you see the way the horses jumped those fences Elvis was awesome he could have jumped almost two of those and major was just so perfect.. i'm kinda surprised pun didn't tale Elvis with him they make a great team.

: Yeah he said they were having him ride one of their horses.

Jade: Oh makes since i guess.. can you keep a secret...

: of course

Jade : i talked it over with my parents and they are going to talk to Pin once we get back about buying Major,
I would ask Mia but you know how she can be.

: oh that's great news y'all are a great team

Jade: Thanks Zoe


I grab My phone from my back pocket as jade grabs hers,

I look to see Becky has texted the Pony Squad group chat


I look at jade before shrugging my shoulders

Jade: Lemme guess she caught GP

: Sounds about right
let's check it out

we ride towards the trees through the meadow onto the old gravel road leading up to the old barn.

Bob is tied to a post not to far.

: Becky

Jade: Where are you?

Becky: Guys i'm in here you have to come see this.

she calls from what i'm guessing is inside the Barn so that's where we head on over too.

We slide open the slightly cracked door to see Becky standing there with a pony.

Jade: Becky who is this

Becky : That's the thing i have no idea she was making a lot of commotion when i got here.

:I think i know why ,

i look around no hay, no water, No food.
I glance back over to the horse to see her ribs are showing.

: Someone dumped her here she has nothing to eat or drink.

Becky : Oh Bob that's horrible.

Jade : We have to get her back to the stables.

Becky: Do you think she takes to a lead rope ? There's a extra in bobs bag.

: We can try

Jade walks to get the rope as i move over with becky to pet the poor horse.

Jade returns carrying a red lead rope which she hands to Becky.

Jade: Why did you have a extra lead rope anyway.

Becky looks down.

Me and jade exchange a glance.

Me and Jade: Ghost Pony!!


Okay so i wouldn't call this a filler chapter but yeah, so what do y'all think is wrong with Zoe?
Anyways it will all make since eventually, also what do y'all think is up with pin?
should i write a chapter from his Pov if y'all want to hear Pins side Comment and give me a idea because other than training and a little gabby drama there's not much to write!
Anyways new chapter will be up in a few 🦋

XoXo- Laura💕🌊♾

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