Little Red Radio

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No one POV


Mia: ...I didn't know it at the time but when i fell i had caused Myself to have a miscarriage,

Marcus looks at her in shock as he doesn't know exactly what to say. she was crying now harder and harder.

Mia:... It was  a accident I should have been more careful i was just in shock I was so scared, I thought you would blame me and besides i didn't want you to feel the pain that i did when i found out so i didn't tell you i was still in shock i shut you out, I did that because i didn't want to hurt you I remember waking up at all hours of the night not being able to sleep i couldn't stop feeling responsible for everything . I was never going to tell you until i talked to Zoe today and i thought about her and pins situation and i.. I just I thought how You had a right to know even if it meant you would hate me.

Marcus was processing what she said as mia was still crying.
she was about to get up and walk away to let Marcus process when she was pulled back down into Marcus's Lap as he held her close to his chest as she cried repeating the same word 3 over and over again.
I'm so sorry.

Marcus: Shhh Baby it's okay.

He kissed her on the forehead trying to calm her down. He felt horrible he hadn't known sooner he shut mia out because she shut him out but she did it because she wanted to protect him, Now he was going to protect her at all costs.

Marcus : I can't believe you just now told me, Mia you were 15 and scared i could never blame you what happened wasn't your fault at all don't ever think that, I loved You Mia.

Mias crying had slowed down as she breathed slower taking in the faint smell of Marcus's cologne.

Mia: until today i never told anyone not even susie.

Marcus: Mia i Loved you so much i'm so sorry baby i should have been here i should have fought to make our relationship work.

Mia looked at him: Loved ?

Marcus: Of course i loved you.

That's not what mia was questioning.

Mia: Do you Love me now?

Marcus smirked looking down at the small blonde girl in his lap as he played with the ends of her hair.

Marcus: Who said i ever stopped?

Mia Smiled slightly leaning up to kiss him which lead into a hot makeout session that seemed to last a lifetime for Mia and Marcus... Not that they were complaining.

Back at Bright fields
Zoe walked into the stables checking her phone as Pony squad had decided to meet her here so they could go get ice cream.
She walked over to ravens stall petting his mane.

She removed the Picture of her and pin off the wall of ravens stall.

Zoe: Looks like it's just me now.

she smiled up at her horse putting the picture into her back pocket.
she glanced up surprised to see something she hadn't been Expecting.

She looked over to see a empty stall next to Ravens the name had been erased and all tack and gear were gone however Zoe knew who used to be there she could still see pins faint handwriting that spelled the word ..


He had taken him with him i guess that means he had already got his stuff then zoe thought as she looked around He was gone he was actually gone for good.

Zoe glances down at the floor of the stall as she felt her heart shatter like glass hitting the floor.

There it was the small red radio she had given Pin when they she was 16.

she reached for her phone as she fished it out of her pocket texting Becky and Jade she would have to take a ring check on the ice cream.

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