Game Changer

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A week Later

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I woke up with a groan.
its 11 am And i cant manage tp pull myself out of bed.

I throw the sheets off of my grabbing a plain white shirt and a pair of jeans.

Dad got home a few days ago but he left late last night.

I figure I should probably go to the stables it's just...I don't get why everyone is acting weird.

Susie Keeps giving me glares which i have no clue why cause she always seems so nice when she's not with Mia.

Mia keeps giving me small smiles
as a courtesy when we see each other.

Jade keeps saying hi to me when she sees me but i figure that's because she wanted to buy Major, Marcus handed me the paperwork which i filled out and returned yesterday so i figure she will drop the Hi act.

Alex and Becky are the only two that are close to just as usual, Becky keeps going on about how Bob is the heart and soul of Bright fields Though they are hardly ever here and when they are, they are to obsessed with each other to pay attention to anyone else.

Marcus and i talk more than the others but when we do it's like he's holding out on me but i just don't know what,

and as for Zoe , she hasn't been at the stables since our run in the other day. I think she's ignoring the fact that i'm here. It's weird i Figured she would mad at me and all but as far as i know she hasn't come to see Raven i would have thought she would be training.

The only Person who i can really talk to is gabby. She is often Hanging around the stable in the afternoon. We usually go down to the beach for lunch.
She is always there when i need someone to talk to, I really don't think much of it though we are just friends even if some part of me tried to think of her like that in the back of my head there's always Zoe she is there and she won't go away.

I love her but if she wont come to the stables to ride raven because she's scared she might run into me then I highly doubt she was going to be willing to listen to me try to apologize. Much less give me a second chance.

I keep waking up with dreams what should have happened when i got back , me and her walk down on the beach hand and hand everything was perfect...

if only.

I walk out the door and hop onto Elvis heading towards the stables.

I don't know what to do but, I think it's time to try to move on, I look over to see Gabby, She has been a great friend to me. I just don't know how i feel about her as more than that.

I just know something is going on and it's almost like there's these secrets everywhere i go,  I walked into the tack room a few days ago and Everyone stopped there conversation and got quite but as soon as i shut the door i could hear them talking though I'm not sure what about.

Gabby gets closer and i can tell she's riding Raven, Oh hell Zoe is going to freak if she sees this.

: Hey does Zoe know your riding him?

i ask as soon as she approaches me.

Gabby: Do i even Have to answer that?

I laugh
:No not really

Gabby: Holloway is using the Horses for training so i borrowed Raven, Besides it appears Zoe isn't riding him, Plus He is YOUR horse right?

: Yeah i guess your right

we keep riding through the trees down the slope.

: You know i was looking forward to coming home, But now everything is different everyone is so secretive and i'm
back to being the outsider.

Gabby Chuckles.

Gabby: What if i Told you something that would change everything.


Alright Next chapter is Zoe!!
So what do y'all think Gabby told him? I think it's obvious and if you don't know it was at the end of the last chapter.
Ahhhhh the next chapter will be up soon!!

Thanks for 500 reads💖

If you haven't already go check out my other book

Our love can last 💛

it just hit 1k 🎉

XoXo Laura 🌊🌷♾

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