Yellow clothes and, Truth be told

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I walk down stairs before finding Mia sitting at the bar counter with her laptop open and a takeout bag next to her.

: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you i love Pastries!

Mia: No problem it was on the way anyways.

so let's look at some cute outfits shall we.

: As fun as that sounds we can't

Mia: Why not fashion is what i do

: we don't know the sex yet.

Mia: right aren't you supposed to find that out soon?

: in a few months i don't know if i want to though.

Mia: ahh right so what do you want boy or girl?

: I want a healthy child Mia.

i looked at Mia as she rolls her eyes.

Mia really wants a girl so she can style her in fashionable clothes.

Jade and susie want a girl as well just so they can have more girls than boys.

Becky Really wants a boy for the reason she wants to see if it will inherit the cheekbones from its daddy.

although i wonders that too i kinda hope it doesn't it will just be a painful reminder. However i will love my baby with everything i have.

Alex and Marcus want a guy because they want to be able to
"even the number of Boy to girl ratio"

I personally don't know what i want.

I haven't heard a word from pin since that night no word no nothing Marcus said pin texts him occasionally but that's about it, i know it's not easy keeping this from pin as he is a close friend of his but I know everything will be fine, Marcus won't tell.

I look at mias laptop.

:How about yellow we can pick out two yellow out fits but that's all i'm giving.

Mia lets out a squeal of excitement.

She begins to scroll through as i grab a Orange juice out of the refrigerator and grab a paper plate for my paistry.

Oh how i wish i could just drink some coffee.

i sit down in a seat next to her as she shows me some of the outfits she has already picked out.

Mia: Oh i almost forgot.

Mia searches through her bag before pulling out a small onesie.

Mia: this is specially for you i had it ordered about a month ago but it took it a while to get here.

: Oh Mia

I look down at the white onesie seeing  the bright fields logo on the front of the shirt

Mia: flip it over.

she smiles at me as i see the back in dark blue writing i see the words ...

"Youngest competitive rider"

: Mia Thank you so much i love it. This is going to be the first thing my baby wears home.

Mia smiles.

Mia: Your going to be a great Mother Zoe philips.

i smile back at her

: Amelia Mac Donald, or should I say Future
Mrs. Marcus Greenbridge One day after you and Marcus get Married you will be a amazing mother.

Mia blushes obviously thinking about Marcus.

: Wait a minute

Mia: what is it

I look down at my pastry

: you said the bake shop was on your way here but the bake shop is in the complete opposite  direction as your house is on the north side o and everyone else at bright fields lives on the north side ....unless  there was one person i knew that lived on the south side ...that means.. OMG you were at Marcus's house.

Mia blushes.

Mia: you have no proof of that now eat your pastry.

: you know y'all are good together you know that i was surprised how close you have gotten to him since this whole mess started.

Mia: Yeah about that... umm I never told you something about that story.

: what story

Mia: Oh boy here it goes... When i was 14 I was at the stables in the summer training and Sam had decided to bring her Nephew in who had just moved back from the city. Little did i know it was the boy i grew up with we got close and ended up dating until a year later after you know what happened.

I am now completely confused why is she telling me this. i must have had confusion written on my face.

Mia sighed.

Mia: That boy who Got me pregnant well.. His name was Marcus Greenbridge he also happens to be bright fields trainer and my bf not sure if you've heard of him. you really got to me with what you said about telling him the truth because that night you told everyone you were pregnant i told Marcus i told him everything and he was so understanding about it.

Oh My God.

: Holy crap, holding out on me much?

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