to good of a deal

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Buzz - Buzz- Buzz

My phone Buzzes as i wake up to the alarm, I can't help groan God how i don't want to get out of bed.
I want to sleep for the rest of my life or until i get to see Zoe.

I glance over at the calendar on the wall, 19 Days left.

I get out of bed, i see the picture of me and Zoe on the night stand of my room.

I miss her so much. I wish she was here with me.

I miss her sleeping cuddled up to my side i wish i could wake up to her sleeping next to me its the most calming feeling im the world.

I put on my riding uniform, I have 33 Minutes til i have a training session with blaze.

I'm exhausted. literally I stay up late due to the fact i can't sleep, i can't stop thinking about Zoe.

Beep- Beep

I look down at my phone seeing a text from Zoe

From Zoe: Hey babe , I haven't heard from you and i miss you so much i can't wait to see you soon love you!😘

God i miss her so much.

i reply back thinking about it for a minute.

To Zoe: I Love you Baby girl,
Sorry i have been super busy with training, I miss you i wish you were here, I love you beautiful.

I smile thinking about Zoe.

I go down stairs out the apartments that are next to the stable.

I go and head down to the stables seeing blaze in the first stall.

I look down to see Gabby smiling she walks through the stables Why in the hell was she up so early her training shift doesn't start til 10. God why couldn't i be that lucky?

Trainer :Peter hawthorn

i turn around to see one of the female trainers approaching me the head of Extreme jumpers Would like to speak with you in his office he said it was urgent.

i nod heading towards the office.

Not the first time either i had been to the principals office in junior high and high school more times than i could count most of the time i knew what i had done lots of it was because of fighting.
this time was different though

I couldn't help but wonder what the bloody hell I had done.

I walk into the office before knocking on the door to the head coach's office.

H. Coach: Come in

I walk in slightly nervous was i being sent home early ?

: You wanted to speak with me

H. Coach: Yes have a seat please.

i sit down with a nod to say continue on.

H. Coach: Well i'm Going to come out and say it you're one of the best riders extreme jumpers have ever seen And i would like you to stay permanently with a spot on the team there's only one other person been asked to do this it is a huge honor. you will be given a house on the property and everything so what do you say?

i look down a little shocked i can't just leave Zoe can i

: I appreciate the offer but it took a lot just to come out here i have a girlfriend back home and i don't know if i can leave.

H. Coach: Well we could make a exception.

: that is

H. Coach: Your girlfriend is welcome to stay at your house with you if that will make you stay.

: Thank you

i say excited i can bring Zoe with me this could be great we could spend the summer here, and then we could go into the town and city and it would be amazing.

H. Coach: So you accept

: Yeah, Yeah i do thank you so much.

God i couldn't wait to call Zoe and tell her.

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