Our faults come with tear drops

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After a while, Susie heads home to get ready to go see some of her family that's in town.

Jade goes to do some training with a major.

Becky and Alex head out on their date night.

Mia and Marcus decide just to go on a walk to watch the sun slowly head down.



we make our way down the road silent. I can't help but think about what Zoe said maybe it was time for me to tell the father I'm just not sure of how he will take the news.

I don't know if I can do this to him I have lived with this secret for a long time, I'm worried he will blame me and leave again.

Marcus interrupts me from my thought.

Marcus: What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?

i look up at him as I try my best to smile but he can see right through me.

Marcus: Come on you can tell me.

I look at him as my eyes start to feel heavy however I try my best to keep the hot tears from flowing down my cheeks.

He laces his hand in mine as he gives it a comforting squeeze.

I don't want to hurt him but I feel like he should know about this even if it meant him hating me until the day I die.

We keep walking down the road as I see it ...
The Meadow where it happened.

By now I can feel the tears flowing as Marcus pulls my into his chest as I start to sob

Marcus: hey it's okay , what's wrong you can tell me.

:you're going to hate me and I wouldn't blame you.

We sit down on the ground as I catch my breath just breathe and tell him the truth.
I look out towards the Bank .

: You remember that summer when I was 15 you went to the city for a month to help your grandparents out?

Marcus: Yeah

I smile recalling the memory.
: Remember that night we volunteered to watch that baby foul for Sam?

I could see the smirk appear on his face.

Marcus: Of course, we did a lot more than just watch that foul.

I blushed at the thought of it before remember why I brought it up I can feel a serious look come on my face.

Mia: Well when you left a few weeks later I Came here on firefly one evening after I had found out something and it scared me so bad and I had no idea what I was to do ...

I start to ra

Marcus: Mia slow down.

I can see the look of confusion all over Marcus's face.

: When I came here I got off firefly right over there and I slipped and fell down to the bank

I point out to the spot as I see him look before returning his eyes to mine nodding me to go on I feel myself breaking inside.
he is going to hate me and it's all my fault.

By now I'm crying all over again.

:Marcus .... I ... I was Pregnant.

I'm so sorry if this was short the next chapters is Marcus's reaction.

I went to post this chapter and found out it had not saved so I had to go back and re write it.

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