Hurricane Pin

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• Mia •

I walk away front the stables before approaching Zoe's house as the front yard is lined with chicken wire i go over to the step carefully stepping over the wire.

I go up the 5 Steps that lead to the door before knocking on the door.

No answer.

I try knocking again  but same results as last time.

No answer.

I wonder if maybe.. i push the door handle down and sure enough the door is open.

I walk into the house, i have never been here before but i guess there is a first time for everything.

I head around the corner ending up in the small kitchen seeing a box of fruit loops and Milk left out on the counter I go to see that the milk is warm, i guess Zoe left it out Last night.  I pour the milk out and put the fruit loops back into the off white cabinet shelf.

Americans and there strange foods  I will never understand.

I head up the stairs before looking around i see the room on the far end with a picture or Raven on it.

Lemme take a lucky guess, That's Zoe's room.

I open the door to the room.

: You know Zoe you should really lock your door someone could break..

I stop myself taking in the atmosphere there is glass shattered on the floor next to the bed i see lights that are still lit up spread across the floor with little bits of polaroid pictures ripped in half what was going on ?

It looked like a hurricane had come through.

I look to the bed to see Zoe laying on her side facing the opposite direction.

Why would Zoe rip up her stuff ?

I walk over to the broken picture frame carefully walking around the glass.

I pick it up and instantly understand what had made Zoe so upset I could only guess the ripped up pictures were of the same person.


: Oh Zoe

she sits up rolling over with mascara running down her eyes as she starts to cry.

I sit down onto the bed giving her a hug though we may not be close i understood what she was going through. I myself had experienced my fair share of heart breaks.

• No One •

Mia: Oh Zoe i'm so sorry what happened.

Zoe: He .. He called me and he said he needed to tell me something and he got offered a spot on the team for the rest of the season.

Mia: Oh Zoe y'all are a power couple, y'all could have made it work.

Zoe: I know

Mia: So you didn't break up with him

Zoe sniffles.
Zoe: No he told me that he wanted me to come down there and move in with him and i told him that i couldn't i have... Responsibilities.

Zoe said as she wasn't ready at the moment to tell Mia about The Baby growing inside her.

Mia: What he seriously expected you to leave bright fields

Zoe could only nod.

Mia: That son of a bitch

Zoe couldn't help but laugh slightly because of the way Mia had cussed in her british accent.
her mind then went back to The baby, a serious face had returned as she cried a little more.

Mia: Hey i know this might not be the thing to hear now but if he's the one for you he will come back to you one way or another and if he's not then the right person will come along.

Zoe: Oh Mia i wish it were that simple

Mia gives Zoe a questioning Look.

Zoe: When i woke up at the hospital the doctor told me she had done some blood work

Mia looks at Zoe
Mia: Oh my god your sick aren't you

Zoe looks down Before looking back at mia.

Zoe : Only For Nine Months


The next chapter will blow your mind check back tomorrow morning!! i will update 3 chapters at once!!!!

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