One True Love

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• Zoe •

I close my eyes that are filled with tears trying to breathe.

I hear the footsteps getting closer.

A hand is place on my shoulder. I know immediately who's hand it is they kneel down beside me as i bury my head into his chest and sob.

It's comforting as i feel Him wrap his arms around me I feel safe.

He pulls me into his lap holding me as close as he can before beginning to speak

Pin: Zoe, I messed up, I'm so sorry! You're my everything i should have known better than that, I hate myself that i wasn't there for you when you needed me before, But i'm here now and i'm not leaving you.

I cry harder.

: I'm so sorry i'm a horrible person and...

Pin: Zoe your a amazing person i don't want to hear you say that ever again.

: i'm going to be a horrible mother the baby will probably hate me and..

Pin: your going to be a wonderful mother.

He rubs circles on my back comforting me.

i manage to catch my breath after a few minutes of being in Pins arms it's amazing how he can calm me down so easily.

: I'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner

Pin: No i'm sorry i didn't hear you out, i was stressed and i just snapped and i know that's not a excuse but i'm so sorry Zoe.

i nod
: I forgive you.

he pulls me in kissing my forehead.

Then reality comes back to me

: Oh my god!

Pin: What is it?

: My mother she kicked me out.

Pin: What

: Apparently your psycho Girlfriend called her

Pin looks at me weirdly.

Pin: Gabby is not my girlfriend nor is she my friend after what she did to you. I'm sorry about your mom

: She told me i had to come back to La with her and have a abortion but, I just couldn't do that. I'm not saying you have to be a part of the baby's life but I think i'm going to keep the child.

Pin looks at me and smiles

Pin: Of course i want to be apart of the baby's life and your as well, Zoe philips will you be my girlfriend again?

i look at him wide eyed
: Yes

He leans down pressing his lips to mine.

Pin: I thought about all that's happened to us and I realized no matter how hard i tried to push the feelings away they would always be there the whole time i was at the academy all i could think about was you, I would be lying if i said i didn't fall off blaze cause i was distracted by the thought of you.

I look at him smiling before the smile turns into a frown.

:what about the academy?

Pin: What about it darling.

: are you going back

Pin looks at me in shock

Pin: No it was fun while it lasted but i would rather be here with you, i need to be here with you and the baby , I love you Zoe i have loved you since the day i met you.

I look up at him Peter hawthorn just told me he loved me.

I wraps his hand in mine.

: I love you too.

he stands up pulling me up with him our hands still locked tightly together.

: I better go see if i can find somewhere to crash for the night i'm sure Mia wouldn't mind Then tomorrow i will go and get a job. I can make this work.

Pin stops and looks at me,

Pin: You are not staying at Mias you are moving in with me and why on earth would you get a job?

: Well because i currently have $36.81 in my bank account.

Pin looks at me.

Pin: Zoe you are aware that i'm a duke right.

I look at him remembering about that small detail once more.

: Pin i can't ask you to do everything you already bought me raven and...

Pin: It's a good thing i'm not asking then, I'm telling, I loved you and the baby and i will take care of you.

Zin is back together all is right with the world updated might slow down but i will keep writing💖

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