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• Pin •

I pull the truck off down the gravel road heading towards Bright Fields.

I haven't been to the island since i picked up Elvis, A part of me feels bad for not making things work with Zoe and leaving that radio.

Maybe One day she can forgive me.

I look out down the road before glancing at the passager seat.

Gabby:Are you Nervous?

: A little.

Gabby: Don't be, Everything will be okay.

she puts a hand on my shoulder.
Ever since the break up with Zoe Gabby seems to always be around, Shes not a bad friend but i can't think of her as anything more even if i tried.

My heart Belongs to Zoe,
It has and always will be Zoe.

Gabby really wanted to come back to holloway though so i offered her a ride.

We pull into the stables, I wonder if she's here?

I look out the door window to see Becky and Jade walking down the road and from the looks of things having a heated conversation.

I wonder where Zoe is?

Gabby: Come on i will help you get Elvis Settled.

I nod hopping out of the truck as gabby and i Unlock the door to the horse trailer.

i lead Elvis out putting him back into his original stall I'm a little surprised they haven't filled it with another horse yet.

Marcus cleared it the other day apparently they have some new horses coming for pony camp, which reminds me i have to fill out paper work for Alex to officially join bright fields team.

I latched Elvis's stall before looking around there weren't a lot of people here. I wonder where everyone is?

Gabby walks in walking to Ravens stall petting him.
I walk over beside her petting him as well.

: I need to go do some paperwork do you mind getting some feed for elvis.

Gabby: No problem i'm on it

: Thanks

I head and walk over towards the door to the office i look around to see Everything is way more organized  than when i left. Mia.

I sit down in the brown leather jacket closing my eyes for a moment taking in the smell of the office i couldn't put my finger on it, It feels good to be back.

Truth be told i'm not looking forward to going back to training at the academy it's long and hard and i just don't know if i want to do this anymore.

I sign the papers for Alex leaving them on the table and initial for the horses for pony camp.

I hit the voicemail button on the phone no surprise a dozen messages from Arthur.

Arthur- Mister Hawthorn it is your butler Arthur i just would like to say that once you get back in town we should have a sit down about your leadership and finance.

Oh great something to look forward to.
I still don't know how i feel about being a duke not to mention i have more money than i know what to do with, I have enough money to buy France if i do wish.

I grab my keys and head to the truck to grab my laptop, I pick my phone up out of my pocket looking at contacts i consider texting dad but i figure he will be home tomorrow i can surprise him with my visit tomorrow i haven't told anyone i was coming so it will be a surprise to all.

I don't exactly know how long i'm staying maybe a few weeks maybe a month, Or maybe i won't go back at all it was fun while it lasted but i don't
know if this is what i want to do.

I look over to see susie and Darcy in the corner of the stables, I wave but she doesn't acknowledge it,

Maybe she didn't see me??

I look back at my phone walking forward to clicking on Zoe's contact i really want to talk to her but she probably hates me.

i then bump into someone.
i go to apologize when i see it's no other than Zoe Philips, she looks at me a little scared, and panicked

: Zoe

she looks into my eyes for a moment before turning and running towards the back of the stables i start to follow after her when Susie starts after her giving me a death glare. 

I really miss her.

• Gabby •

I watch as Zoe takes off with tears dang dramatic much.
I think for a moment a wicked grin appears as i turn on my heels walking around the back side of the wooden Hay bails to listen in on the conversation maybe i will find out something interesting.

Susie: Zoe are you alright?

I watch as Zoe shakes her head I stand by what i said earlier Drama Queen.

she had tears running down her face.

Susie: Hey it's okay. I'm guessing you saw Pin. He just showed up here early this morning out of the blue.

Zoe nods

Susie: I tried to text you didn't you get my message.

Zoe :my phone is at home on charge.

Susie: Are you okay?

Zoe : is it noticeable?

I watch as Zoe makes a gesture to her Stomach. No she couldn't be.

Susie : No you look great Zoe

Zoe : Thanks, i don't know how long i'm going to be able hide it It just kinda showed up there sometime while i was sleeping.

Dear god she was pregnant.

Susie laughed.

Susie: Have you thought about telling Pin the truth?

Oh No.

: No he made his choice, I have to do this on my own, I just, I don't know how i'm going to pay for everything not to mention i need to find a place to live.

Susie: Don't worry you will figure something out, your so strong for figuring this out all on your own.

Zoe :Thank you susie.

No this would ruin everything If he finds out she's pregnant with his kid he will go back to her no doubt.
She doesn't seem to want to tell him but it's only a matter of time before he finds out.

Think gabby think.

He's going to Find out Zoe's Pregnant but what if, he doesn't have to know the baby is his.?


Oh wow long chapter what do y'all think About gabby s wicked plan do you think it will work or will she be to late.

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