Bumps & Pastrys

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1 month and a half later~

Zoe is Three months Pregnant*

• Zoe •






The alarm Buzzes

Oh my god why am i up so damn early it's 7 am i need to sleep so bad.

Oh yeah that's why, i glance at my phone laying on the night stand two messages from Mia

I unlock my phone the password being my birthday and the wallpaper being changed back to me and raven.

I looked at the message.

Mia - On the way over bringing Pastries!!

Oh thank god i can get up for pastries.

Mia and I are going to do some online shopping for the baby that my parents nor my grandpa know about i have been putting it off for as long as i can.

weirdly enough Mia and i have gotten closer she seems to always be there to help. I would have never expected we would be friends but i would also not think i would be 19 and Pregnant raising a baby on my own.

Jade and Becky are meeting up with me at noon for a late lunch at the cafe.

I'm lucky grandpa is away on business again he says he's just working on a home improvement project, but i think he's secretly staying with Wilma.

Rosie did mentioned she had a house up there.

I rolled out of bed pulling myself up.

Oh have i mentioned it's early.

I walk over to the closet to grab some clothes.

the good news is, is that the morning sickness has come and gone so i'm not constantly puking my guts out every few hours.

i keep thinking about how different things would be if pin wasn't here.

I open the slide doors to my closet going through a bin to find a sweatshirt.
I then pull out the green Sweatshirt that pin had given me when i had messed up my over shirt during the first session with raven.

i think about it for a minute, i can't i have to atleast try to move on.

which was turning out a lot harder than i had thought it's like every thing i did before had something to do with Pin, When ever i was in trouble i talked to pin, when the whole world seemed to hate me he was there to assure me i was wrong. I felt like i was slowly spiraling down but, I can't i have to be strong and raise our kid.

I throw the jacket back into the bin fishing out a Blue sweatshirt that says Bright Fields and some shorts with stretchy elastic.

I walk over to the mirror to get changed.

I stop at the mirror before noticing something that i swear was not there last night i lift up my shirt before i turn to the side to see a little round bump.

I put my hand at the top of my stomach running my hand down the bump.

it's faint but it's there if I put that sweatshirt on it won't be noticeable.

God it's a good thing moms not here much less Rosie.
And it's a Excellent thing that grampa isn't as observant as he used to be.

I throw my clothes on thinking for a moment still looking at myself in the Mirror. It's a good thing it's not to noticeable.

Mia: Zoe... i have your pastries.

oh thank god.

Hey i'm going out of town for a 3 days i will continue to write but it might be a while getting it published as i will be without internet access!
i will do my best

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