Your the father

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: Guys where is...

I turn around seeing Pin with a pissed off look on his face as gabby prances behind him with Raven.

I walk forward as i feel my blood start to boil. How dare she even think about going anywhere near raven. I swear Im going to kill both of them Starting with the Evil bitch who is holding my horses reins. I can feel the others follow behind me.

: What the hell are you doing with Raven

I reach out for the rings as gabby rolls her eyes smirking as Pin glares at me with hatred. God i knew he was mad that i didn't move down there with him but he seems really mad now.

I step back as i feel the heat brewing between me and pin.

Pin: What the bloody hell Zoe, Your just going to act like everything's fine.

I am so confused at the moment what is he even talking about?

I look at him questioningly as i try to speak up however pin beats me to it.

Pin: Don't even bother Gabby told me everything, I actually thought you cared about me but no you just run off with some guy the moment i leave and now got yourself knocked up.

I look down, Oh my god she didn't.

Pin: And as for all of you i knew y'all had been keeping things from me but the fact that y'all are covering for this Slut just shows how despicable you are.

I glance behind me seeing everyone staggered out in a triangle formation Marcus, Mia and Susie on my left, Becky, Jade and Alex to my right.

God this can't be happening right now.

Marcus: Alright dude you've crossed the line big time.

Marcus takes a few steps forward towards pin so he is now in a even line next to me.

Pin: Oh please your one to talk, You've been lying to my face for months.

Marcus shakes his head.

Marcus: Whatever i don't have to take this crap from you.

Pins face turns red with anger.

Pin: Well then why are you here? Why are any of you here? This is my stables and  I'm not going to let you people walk around and lye to my face to protect this whore.

it feels like i've been struck the pain dancing on my skin as
he gestures to me and i can feel tears brewing.

NO ! i will not cry in front of pin and his new Girlfriend i won't let then see me cry.

Everyone goes silent not knowing exactly what to say pin looks at me in the eyes before shaking his head, I should have told him ,
I should have known the Bitch would try to pull something like this.

I Turn my head to the side seeing Becky walk to Bobs stables door all eyes on her.

everyone starring at her in awe. it only takes a moment to realize what exactly it is she's doing.

She clips the lead rope walking him towards the exit.

Alex and Jade follow behind her.

Alex grabs Bento his horse as Jade grabs Major.

I turn to the other side
Seeing Susie Mia and Marcus are heading towards the exit.

Mia in the lead holding firefly
followed by Susie and Darcy then right behind them Marcus and Monty.

They look at me one last time nodding there head to show there with me.

I look down to the ground fighting back tears.
I approach gabby trying to grab ravens reins.

Gabby: He's not your horse, He's mine right Pin

she smiles wickedly. She actually thinks she won. God i wanna smack her all the way off the damn island.

Pin nods to her.

No she can't have raven, I think again Legally Raven is Pins horse but, i just don't know how he could do this to me he knows how much raven means to me.

I turn around with my head down walking only a few steps towards the exit my friends had just left through minutes earlier when i hear Pin call out to me as i turn around to face him.

Pin: You know the father must be a asshole can't even show up around here and do something sounds like a real jerk.

he rolls his eyes at me as i scan him up and down.

: Your right the father is a asshole

i look him in the eyes where i can't read his emotion unable to tell whether or not he's caught on yet, so i decide to continue just before seeing Gabby with a surprised look on her face.

: A asshole who broke up with me because i couldn't move my whole life somewhere i knew no one, a asshole who called me selfish for trying to do what's right for our, No MY Baby, a asshole who believes every single thing he's told not even bother to talk to me instead he chooses to call me out infront of everyone calling me a slut and a whore.

I can now feel the tears at this point.

: Your right he hasn't bothered to show up.

I look him in the eyes as i see his expression soften as he becomes overwhelmed with guilt.

i run towards the exit still in shock i just did that.

I hear him call to me however i keep on going running until i reach the house i fall onto the stairs crying.

looking towards the stables thankful he didn't follow me here.

God this day can't get any worse! 

I then Hear the door to the house open....

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