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Zoe's Dream

Zoe opens her eyes to see she was sitting in a chair outside the hawthorns house. 
She looked around to see that nothing had changed.
Pin: come on go see mom
She turned around to see Pin walking towards her bending down helping the little toddler walk.
Zoe bends down looking at the child , that was there child her and pins.
The baby was adorable, Zoe wrapped the toddler up in a hug before holding the toddler on her hip. She looks up at Pin smiling.
Zoe kisses the baby's forehead and then kisses pin on the cheek smiling.
Zoe: I love you peter hawthorn
Pin: I love you too Zoe hawthorn.
He looks at her with an huge smile.

Later that Evening


I woke up with a smile maybe everything would be alright.

I check my phone hesitating.

I head down stairs grabbing a box of fruit loops thinking, Fruit loops for dinner , really ? Oh what can i say I deserve this. Likes hard and Fruit loops make me happy even tho there just corn chips in the shape of miniature donuts that are injected with sugar.

Oh well i think with the box in my right hand as my left one is stuck in a purple cast.

I walk up stairs thinking about everything i have to tell pin, i need to tell pin.

I run up the remaining stairs before grabbing my laptop off my vanity.

i open it up typing in the password " Mrs.PinHawthorn"

not my idea becky set the password as a joke but i don't really mind that much, i think back to the dream, he called me Zoe hawthorn maybe someday soon i will be.

i look at the same wallpaper which was a collage of everyone. i see the pictures on the wall hung with twinkly lights most of them were of me and pin, the picture of pin next to my night stand god how i loved him he walked into my life and somehow into my heart. i knew i loved him from the start it was pin it would always be pin, i remember when i was with Marcus there was no real connection it was like i was with him yet i wasn't really with him not in my mind i remember waking up in the middle of the night with dreams about pin and i they felt so real i almost hated to wake up and face reality i didn't know how to face Marcus so i kept going along with it i didn't want to hurt him. But it all worked out in the end Marcus and i were friends he was happy with Mia and i was happy with Pin.

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