
397 9 1

• Becky •

A few minutes before the blackout.

Zoe goes over the jumps without a flaw how am i going to complete with that there's no way i will be ready in time panic overcomes my face.

Mia: You will do fine just a little practice and you can be a great competitor maybe we can get you a spot on the team permanently.
Besides that horse is beautiful Everyone will be in awe of you your do fine.

i look over to see the horse that was stabled in the stall by the arena i'm a little surprised by how kind Mia is being and how encouraging she is i think Marcus is really changing her for the good.

: You know i think i have a name for her

Mia: yeah what's that

: How about Diamond, beautiful and elegant yet tough.

Mia : That sounds lovely

i smile as i can't help but think about how amazing it would be.

Mia: Now look how Zoe approaches the jump she squares up so she can save a few seconds

: Right square up to the jump

my thought are brought to Marcus talking to Zoe.

Marcus: Why don't you try it one more time and we can get a new set up.

Zoe: Alright sounds good.

she jumps over the first jump but i can't help but notice she is squinting her eyes.

Oh my Bob do i have to jump blind folded.

Oh No she tilts her head down as she looks like she's in pain, Next thing i know Raven jumps as Zoe Falls off backwards into the pole onto her shoulder first hitting the pole She lyes there on the ground not moving i use my hands to push myself off the fence.
running towards her.

Marcus: Zoe

Mia: Oh dear god

i run toward her at the same time as Marcus Kneeling down beside her.

She's not moving i look at her left arm seeing blood from her wrist as she's covered in dirt.

Marcus: Mia Call the others and Call 999 NOW!

Mia reaches for her phone as she calls the Ambulance

:Zoe, Zoe oh my bob , come on.

Marcus: Shell be fine.

Marcus's voice shaky not really comprehending what happened, I'm not sure if he's trying to convince me or himself to be honest.

Mia: I'm going to grab raven.

Mia states as she runs tryouts get Raven under control.

He paced back and forth as Marcus looks up

Marcus: Mia watch out

Raven then does something he's never done before he jumps over the fence.

Sirens Are heard in the distance as everyone looks in shock.

Raven has never jumped a fence.

Zoe begins to move putting her hand to her head before looking up at me opening her eyes

: Zoe , Zoe relax a ambulance is on its way.

she closed her eyes.

I watch the rise and fall of her chest letting out a sigh.

Mia: she's over here.

i love out of the way as the medics move her so she is onto a stretcher.

Mia wraps me in a hug as i see a tear drop roll off her cheek.

A nurse comes up to Marcus, Mia and I who are standing by the knocked down jump.

Nurse : Hi I just need to ask you a few questions about your friend.

: Is she going to be okay

Nurse: she had quite a fall but it looks to be she will be just fine.

thank god.

Nurse: Name?

Mia: Zoe Philips

she nods writing it down on her clip board

Nurse: Age?

: She Just turned 19.

Nurse: Ok beings she's not a miner we can ahead and proceed.

Nurse: Does she have any family currently on the island

Marcus: Her grandfather is out of town and her parents live in the states.

she nods looking down.

Mia: We should call Pin

Marcus nods
Marcus: I'm on it.

Nurse: not to worry she is in good hands and will be just fine.

she then heads into the back of the ambulance closing the doors behind her.

I look at Mia scared.

: I .. I don't think i can jump today

Mia nods understandingly.

Marcus walks back over putting his arm around Mia

:Did Pin answer?

Marcus: Nope and his Voice mail box is full

: Oh Zoe said she hadn't talked to him much he's probably still training, He should be here though.

Jade and Susie come running over to us

Susie : We saw the ambulance what happened

we explain to them what was going on.

Jade wraps me into a hug

Marcus: Mia come on let's go see if we can find raven.

Beware things are going to happen soon and it will escalate quick read carefully next chapter is Pins Pov sooooo yayyy!

Don't hate me for what is going to happen in the next two chapters it's all part of the plan.

-XoXo Laura💕🌊♾

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