What was that

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I find myself at a shortage of words

Jade: Zoe i'm so sorry

: why there must be a good explanation for this i'll just talk to pin later.

the rest of the group exchange several nervous glances.

: really it's fine
i say trying to smile. as it was harder than i intended

: I think i'm going to head in and call it a day i have a paper to write for school anyways.

I mount Elvis taking off towards bright fields.
teams vision begins to blur as salty tears run down my face.

No Zoe you can't cry he wouldn't do something like this Gabby probably just posted that picture to upset you.

somehow that didn't seem to help
I jumps off of Elvis
to see jade and becky had followed behind her.

Jade: is there anything we can do?

: I just need to be alone can u put Elvis up ?

Becky: yeah of course!

I dash as fast as i can towards the house desperate to be left alone and with that i crawled under my blankets in my bed crying my heart onto my pillow.

I know there's a big chance i'm overreacting but i just can't help it hormones i guess.

i grab my phone out of my pocket sending Pin a text

\ hey can we talk soon.

i grab a makeup wipe, wiping the mascara that has been smeared around my eyes off my face before laying down to think.

Why in the hell did i convince him to go?

Why didn't he mention gabby was coming? did he not know?

then a thought hit me the letter said she had a scout at nationals there were at least 3 other competitor not counting pin that places above gabby with a perfect run and a faster time so how did she make it ???

everything seemed off not just about the post but about everything in my life.

My stomach felt like it was twisted in knots.
I suddenly realized how tired i was this whole situation was emotionally and physically draining.

I fell asleep questioning everything.


About a two hours later i woke up to see nothing had changed i sat up in bed seeing it was 5 oclock and i had ruined my sleep schedule due to the un expected nap.

one more thing i could add to the list that gabby took away from me.

i pulled back the covers as i went to sit down to work on my essay some more, when all of the sudden my phone starts going off
i look to see the caller ID it was pin i slide over accepting the video chat.

Pin: hey beautiful
: hey pin
Pin: so i got your message is everything alright.
: Umm yeah i was just wondering what that picture gabby posted was about
Pin: you saw that
: yeah susie showed me
Pin: she took it when i was asleep i had no idea until i saw it about a hour ago
: Oh
Pin: you didn't think i was cheating on you did you
: no i just didn't know what to think

i immediately start to feel guilty.

Pin: Zoe it's been less than 24 hours since i left if you don't trust me then how can we make this relationship work

: your right i'm sorry i jumped to conclusions it's just ..hormones

good call Zoe just blame it on that.

Pin: i have to go practice is about to start  Love you

:Love you...

the phone cuts out he hung up

: too

i finish even though he couldn't hear me.
at least he didn't seem mad at me.


Ahhh so shortest chapter yet but this was kinda just a filler chapter as was the last one i promise the good stuff is in the works i have big plans for this story and ummm so excited to share them with you new chapter soon!!

Should i write from pins pov if so leave suggestions in the comments

For those of you that don't know i also have a book called

Our love can last

and i would like to give a shout out to xx_winterflood_xx

she has a new book out called

Truth hurts...

the first chapter is amazing i look forward to reading more of her story be sure to check it out

as always Like, Follow and Vote

XoXo Laura💕🌊♾

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