Where the hell is raven?

335 8 3

• Zoe •

Present Day

I open the door Hopping down the stairs.

Grampa is still away on business so i'm all alone, Bonus if i see Pin with his tongue down Gabby's throat i can come home and Cry and Wallo without being disturbed.

I Look down at myself making sure that the baby bump isn't noticeable. All good.

Why do things have to be so complicated when it comes to guys?

The more i think about it the more i don't want to go to the stables Becky telling me Alex saw them having lunch in OUR special spot hurt a lot i might Die if i have to stand there and watch and act like it doesn't affect me at all.

I walk around the entrance of the stables pacing back and forth am i really going to do this?

No i have to do this.. Not for Pin... Not for Me.. For Raven.

I enter the stables taking in a deep breath.

I look around seeing everyone walking around doing there own thing.

I walk to the middle of the yard observing all my friends.

Mia: Hey Zoe your here.

Mia calls to me getting other people's attention as they all make there way towards the center of the yard where i stand.

I am now surrounded by all my friends,

Mia, Marcus, Susie, Alex, Jade and Becky.

I look around the stable one more time seeing theres no Sign of Pin Or his new Girlfriend the spawn of satan in the flesh.

Jade: It's so great to see you out of the house.

: well it's good to be here.

i can't help but feel like that came out a tad sarcastic even though i didn't mean it like that.

Susie: Yeah i haven't seen you in days.

Mia: I'm glad you decided to come.

I give both of them a small smile.

Marcus: You know if you want Your more than welcome to come and Watch some training sessions maybe you could help and give some advice if your up for it.

: You know i might be taking you up on that.

That kind of sounds like a good idea maybe if i can't train then i can help the team and give some feedback.

Alex: So do you guys want to go
and get some lunch at the cafe or something.

everyone agrees
Becky: Lunch sounds great

:Yeah that sounds...

My mind trails off as my eyes dart to Ravens stall door.

He was gone Where in the hell is raven ??

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