Wake up call

390 7 1

• Zoe •


My head is pounding my eyelids feel heavy god where am I?

I open my eyes and as they flutter open i look around to see i'm in a hospital room i look over to see pictures of X-rays which i can only assume is my arm i look to see it wrapped in a cast.

Oh god What did I do?

I look Around taking in the atmosphere of the room.

I sit up as i hear the door open

Voice : Easy , Easy

I look to see a lady in a white coat.

Dr.Kinsella: Hi my names Dr. Kinsella ( Shout out if you know the show) Can you Tell me the last thing you remember.

I think back before answering her.
: I was at Bright field stables training and i fell of my horse.

Dr.Kinsella: Very good.
she looks down writing on her clip board.

Dr.Kinsella: So your arm is a slight fracture you should have the cast on for about a month...

:Woah.. Woah .. Woah .. A month i have to get back to training we have the county show coming up in a less than 2 months.

Dr.Kinsella:Well Mrs. Philips, Even after you get your cast off
you shouldn't ride competitively or be training at all in your condition.

oh god am i dying?
I'm dying aren't i oh my god.

i look at her puzzled
: What are you talking about

Dr.Kinsella: Mrs. Philips you are aware that you are pregnant right.

i freeze everything goes quiet and still i don't know what to do, a tear slips down my face. Oh god  i Can't be i'm only 19.

: Are you sure

i manage to choke out.

Dr.Kinsella nods: the blood test came back positive the good news is that the baby wasn't injured in the fall. your about a month along....

Oh my god what am i going to do i'm 19 and broke i don't have a job. Mom is going to kill me i promised i would wait til marriage but i love pin and i made my decision oh god she's going to kill  me literally.

Dr.Kinsella: Mrs philips.. i know you are trying to process but can you answer some questions for me.

: I can try

Dr.Kinsella: good, that's good, Date of conception.

I think back to the letter he left on the 11th of may.

: The 10th of may

Dr.Kinsella: good, and just one more question and your free to leave, What's the fathers name?

: Pi.. Peter... Peter Hawthorn

she looks at me wide eyed for a second. Why on earth is she staring at me like this

Dr.Kinsella: As in the Duke of England ?

Oh that's why.

: yes.

Dr.Kinsella: Would you like us to call him and let him know.

: No he's out of town

Dr.Kinsella: Very well you have some friends in the waiting room i believe. Whenever your ready.

the doctor leaves the room,
I begin to cry what the hell am i going to do. god why. why did this have to happen.

My life was a mess. A complete and total mess.

so i'm going to take a few days to work on other things a new chapter coming Monday
-XoXo Laura💕🌊♾

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