A shoulder to lean on

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No One

Mia: Do you think she's okay
Marcus: She's a fighter she can do this

Mia : Becky and Jade said her arm is broken so she won't be training for The next month or so.

Marcus: yeah that's got to suck

Mia looks at the ground pondering for a brief moment.
Marcus: Do you know where Becky is?

Mia looks up at Marcus
Mia: She should be here any minute.

Mia says but Marcus can tell she has other things on her mind. Marcus pulls her into a hug as she graciously accepts holding onto Marcus.

Mia: I think I'm going to go and see what's up with Zoe her grandfather is still out of town and she is all alone I'm sure she could use the company even if it's mine.

Marcus: I'm sure that she will appreciate it. Go on then I best be getting ready for training.

Mia nods as she pulls away from Marcuses warm embrace headed towards Zoe's house.

Marcus walked over to the training pin sitting on the gate still no sign of Becky, He hoped they didn't put to much pressure on her.

Little to Marcus's knowledge Becky was already at the stables sitting in the hay bails,
She felt as if she couldn't breathe hot tears flowed down her face as she panicked what if she let everyone down, What If she hurt herself like Zoe did, what if she couldn't live up to everyone's expectations and she held them back?
The what if's filled her head,

Alex: Becky are you in here.

Alex Called out his voice soft. She had texted him frantically moments before.
she began to sob harder, which gave away where she had been hiding from Mia and Marcus and pretty much everyone else.

becky looks to see that he is in his Holloway  uniform  he was probably in the middle of a training session until she interrupted him.

Becky: I'm sorry i shouldn't have bothered you

She says still crying as she felt guilty for bringing him all the way out here to deal with her emotional basket case of a self

And this relationship had only lasted a week there's no way he will stick around becky couldn't help but think.

Despite her comment he comes up and sits down next to her on the hay bail.

Alex: Shhh it's okay what's wrong babe?

He wraps his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer into his chest.

Becky was to upset to notice that he had called her babe.

Becky sobs before gathering enough courage to speak.

Becky: What is i can't live up to their expectations?

Alex: Hey , it's ok you don't have to live up to anyone's expectations but yourself you can do whatever you want you are so brave becky i wish you could see that, you have more courage than anyone i know you can do this.

Becky: Really

Alex: Yess, You can do it i believe in you.

Becky: Thank you for coming

Alex : Are you kidding, Any time you need me i will be there, I have felt this way about anyone else there is something about you becky something that gets in my head to the point i can't stop thinking about you.

Becky: Your so sweet you know that.

she can't help but smile up at her boyfriend.

he leans Down as she tilts her head up as there lips fit together like missing puzzle pieces.

Becky moves her hand up so her palm was resting on his cheek pulling him closer to her.

after a moment they break the kiss as the try to catch their breath.

Alex: Come on i believe you have a lesson to get to.

Alex grabs her by the hand pulling her up.

Becky: What if i fall?
Alex : Then i will be right there to help you up.

she smiles feeling like she could actually do this.

the couple walk over hand and hand as Becky grabs
the reins bringing Diamond into the arena.

Marcus: There you are I was beginning o think you weren't coming

Becky: sorry i got.. Caught up

becky looks down before petting Diamond.

Alex: Here Lemme Help you

Becky; Thanks

Once becky is saddled on Diamond Marcus tells her to practice going over the poles.

Mean while Alex checks his phone sighing looking down

Marcus: Something wrong man?

Alex: It's callum hes mad i skipped practice.

Marcus: You can go if you need to

Alex : No i told becky i would be here and i will stand by that besides i have had about enough of callum for one day as i can take hes even more moody than usual.

Marcus can't help but laugh.

Marcus: Why do you stay then?

Alex : I love to ride and Holloway is the place where i get to do that.

he looks down before picking his eyes up focusing back on becky a smile grows onto his face as he sees her wink at him.

Marcus can't help but notice his mood change when he's around becky he seems .. Happy.

Marcus : I don't know if you know this but Zoe got hurt yesterday apparently she can't ride for the county fair.

Alex : Yeah i heard becky told me last night it's awful i feel bad for her i couldn't imagine not training.

Marcus : I can't make it a for sure thing but i'm sure Pin would have no problem clearing it once you get back , how would you like to come to bright fields and compete with us?

Alex: Are you serious.

Marcus: Deadly, Besides we have a extra spot open anyway even when Zoe returns. I'm not supposed to say anything so don't tell mia i told you but Susie, Is out of town right now looking into this school she's supposed to be moving down there in a few months.

Alex: Oh i'm sorry to hear that

Marcus: well the spot is yours if you want it.

Alex: i'll take it.

he says smiling as he shakes Marcus's hand.

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