Spawn of Satan

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After a long hot shower to clear her mind Zoe heads on back to the stables on her way her phone goes off

Pin/ Just got on the plane ❤️

i smile maybe things could work out.

I go on over to ravens stable before hesitating i look over to see Elvis looking down and sad i enlisted over to his stall and he instantly perks up.
I guess i could take Elvis after all it was easier to ride him since pin has him a western saddle.
I will give Raven the Day off besides we will start training again soon.
I saddle up Elvis before seeing Mia and firefly walking our way.

then something very weird happens She embraces me in a hug.

Mia: I'm so sorry about pin

she sounded .....almost... Sincere who was she and what had she done with Mia?

: I'm fine really

i say convincing her yet somehow not convincing myself.

Mia: Well forget about him for now and let's go to the beach for lunch Becky and jade are in the field waiting.

: Yeah sounds good i say smiling.

we head out into the trees on the pathways the beach meeting up with Jade and Becky in the field.

I miss pin more than anything he should be here and i should be holding onto him on the back of Elvis instead of riding him by myself.

after a few short minutes we approach the beach where susie is waiting as she has everything placed on the ground.

I get off Elvis moving him with the other horses before joining the others who are already on the ground waiting.

Becky : So did you hear that tonight is the annual death of Gp

mia laughs

Mia: Becky give it a rest it's just a story.

There's the mia i know.

Becky: you'll see .

jade: Anyways so who's ready to kick some Holloway ass at the county show next month?

Susie : I know i definitely am the satisfaction to wipe that smug smile off Callums face when i beat him for individuals then bright fields brings home the golden cup once and for all

everyone laughs at susies epic master plan.

Mia : Zoe if your ready your more than welcome to start training tomorrow marcus said he would coach us again this year,

Zoe: Yeah of course so does this mean i'm on the team

Mia Nods

Mia: In fact we're all are competing in show jumping

mia looks over at becky.

We need someone to fill in for show jumping so if your up for the challenge we can have you train on Fletcher of Sparkles which ever you want.

Becky looks at her in shock as everyone else is taken back by her generosity.

Now this really wasn't sounding like mia allowing Becky to borrow one of her most prized possessions.

: Okay spill why are you being so .... so... nice?

Mia: Because life is great

everyone looks at her confused before she sighs giving in.

Mia: if you must know i have a date tonight

Susie: what

Becky : oh my bob

Jade : with who ??

Mia: Marcus.

everyone is in shock

: oh my gosh that's amazing i'm so happy for y'all

i say in awe as i try my best to be happy for my .. Friend? even though it's hard when my Boyfriend is Flying over 12,000 miles in the opposite direction as me.

Becky: that is horseome

Jade: that's great mia that really is

Susie: y'all will be the cutest couple in the yard

i'm taken back by this comment me and pin used to be the cutest couple in the yard.

Becky: i can make t shirts with your names put together i'm thinking ...
Mircus or Marcia

Mia: Don't push it

she says as a warning as i take a bite of my sandwich when all of the sudden Susies phone goes off

Mia: oooh susie whos your new boyfriend ?

susie glances at me before saying that wasnt a text.

Mia reaches out as susie gives her the phone mia looks down at the ground.

Becky : What is it

Mia: Zoe i think you should see this.

what was going on?

i look on the phone feeling my face go white.

There it was a picture of Gabby with her head resting on a sleeping Pins shoulder
with a caption.
Best friends on the journey of our life time can't wait to spend more time with him at practice with several red hearts.

i look down what in the hell was going on?

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