Pins Pain

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• Pin •


I check my phone seeing Zoe had messaged me she wanted to talk about something i guess it's time to tell her this will be great.

i immediately respond to her text

To Zoe: I miss you too, i actually want to talk to you too.             
I grab my phone pulling up the video chat app as it rings after a moment she answers.

I look to see her face appear on the screen.

: Hi
she said smiling at me i couldn't help but smile back i am so excited to tell her the news

: Hey Zo, i'm glad you texted i actually have something to tell you.

Zoe : So do i

she looked nervous but still kept smiling

: Go ahead you can go first

i allowed even though i was dying to tell her the news.

Zoe: No really it can wait.

: You sure

Zoe : Yep go ahead.

Ok here goes nothing

: Ok i'm just going to come right out and say it so i was called down to the head coaches office today and they want me to stay permanently... i got a spot on the team for the rest of the season.

I look at her as her smile slowly fades away off of her face.

Zoe : Pin..

Now i get to tell her about the part that she gets to come live with me.

: No Zoe look it gets better, there giving me a place to stay and i want you to come down here with me you can stay and train with raven. It would be amazing.

I look at her face it's hard to read but i know if i can just convince her she will love it here.

Zoe : Pin.. I .. I can't just leave.

: what

Zoe: I'm sorry

: Are you serious right now why not your 19 Zoe It's time for you to live a little. Let loose.

Zoe : Let loose? Pin i have responsibilities.

What responsibilities she's
always trying to take charge she's missing so much in life.

: Well maybe that's the problem Zoe your trying to grow up to fast, God why can't you just be happy for me.

I say getting mad as i raise my voice slightly making my anger known.

Zoe: I am happy for you but I , I just can't.

Then why couldn't she just come stay with me for another month and a half the season was almost over what does she have to loose?

:I thought you loved me

i looked at her hurt.

Zoe : Pin i do i really do i just..

i watched as a tear fall i felt bad for getting mad but i just don't understand i thought she would get why this was a big deal for me, but clearly she doesn't she doesn't get it maybe we aren't as right for each other as i thought.

:Lemme guess You can't...

: ... You Know what I don't think i can do this anymore.

It hurt me to say this it really did but, I can't stay here alone as her boyfriend i can't do it i have to choose her or the school.

Zoe: What are you saying

her voice unsteady and shaky.

: i think , I think it's best if we broke up.

Zoe : Fine if that's how you feel than fine, I don't need you pin , Screw you.

She slams her computer i can feel the pain it brings her as she does, i guess we're done ,
I don't even know what to say.
i lay back onto the bed putting my hands over my face god why am i so stupid i shouldn't have pressured her to come.

No, No she could have fought she could have tried to fix the problem she could have been here with me there's nothing holding her back she is just to stubborn and i can't do it.

thoughts course through my head.

Knock - Knock - Knock

i glance at the door.

I open it to see gabby.

Gabby: I'm so sorry pin i was walking by and well the walls are thin i heard i'm so sorry

she pulls every into a hug.

Why couldn't
Zoe be this understanding.

Gabby: you want to talk about it.

: No
i shake my head.

Gabby: Well than come on let's watch a movie.

Gabby drags me in towards the
bed as i sit down and hit play on some movie.

Gabby sits next to me before leaning her head on my shoulder.

It feels wrong but then i remember Zoe and i are done i can do whatever the hell i want, I am a 20 year old who can be with whoever the hell i want to be.
Not that i want to be with gabby but we are friends so why not watch a movie just for tonight anyways.

No one


Gabby smiled a wicked grin as she felt pin relax under her.

Her plan was working.

Note they did not sleep together so don't jump to conclusions i couldn't bare to write that into the story god no, Also if you can't tell i hate gabby i think she is evil as you can tell if you read my last Zin book. i feel like in season 3 she kinda tried to steal pin and it pissed me off so yeah she will always be the bad guy to me even worse than callum.

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