Sick days

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• 3 weeks later •

I woke up with a sick feeling in my gut as i ran to the toilet bowl to throw up the contents of last night's dinner.

It's probably the nerves i texted pin a few days ago , Nothing at all I have sent him over a dozen messages and his voice mail was now full.

He was probably just busy training.

I haven't heard from him since he sent me this two worded text a week ago simply saying

"miss you"

maybe he was having second thoughts?

No Zoe you have to stop thinking like this he loves you not gabby or any other girl the voice in the back of my head says helping just a bit.

he was focused on training not other girls.

Your right it's just my mind playing tricks me I pull myself off of the cold tile on the bathroom floor.

I rinse my face in cold water. everything will be fine. i get up before heading to get dressed.

once i'm all set and ready i has on down to the kitchen grabbing a freshly picked apple which coincidentally was from the same tree as the one the sick pony ate from, it made him feel better so make it could help me with my little cold.

Gramps: Hey there darling i'm going to go into the city for a few days to visit with one of my old lads from secondary school will you be alright for a few days.

: yeah of course if i need anything i will be sure to call.

Gramps: alright then if you need anything be sure to holler.

I take a bite out of my apple feeling slightly better so i head on over to the stables the walk was short but i managed to try to come up with a new riding strategy to prepare for the county fair.

I look to see someone has already tacked up raven and he's ready to go i grab him by the reins before feeling slightly dizzy seeing Marcus And Becky walling towards me.

all of the sudden a wave of nausea overwhelms me as i run to the girls bathroom as i hear Marcus and Becky yelling after me.

I kneel over the toilet as i feel becky holding back my hair

Becky: oh my Bob are you okay?

i nod trying to breathe

Becky: what happened

: I don't know i think i must have had some bad dinner i haven't felt good since i woke up.

I go to the sink as becky stands beside me as i rinse my face in cold water once more feeling everything come together.

I walk back out to see Marcus holding ravens reins as i reach for then

: I'm ready let's get training

Marcus: No
he moved the reins back

: Excuse me

Marcus : Zoe look i know how much winning means to you but your sick go home and rest for a little and we can get back to training once your better.

This was absurd

: Marcus i'm fine really

Marcus shakes his head looking over my shoulder at becky

Becky: He's right you dint need to be training when your sick come on i will walk you home.

Becky put her arm around me before leading me back to the house

I was pretty tired i guess u could tale a break for a few days.

Becky: I can have Jade bring you some soup.

: No you really don't have too i will be fine

Becky: Nope i insist.

i give in as we approach the fence to grampa's house.

God how i Wished pin could be here with me with his arms around me instead of becky no offense to her i was just really missing him.

Only 26 days until he will be heading home.

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