Break Down

370 9 5

• Zoe •


I slam the laptop shut ending the video call.

tears forming on the brink of my eyes.

that just happened.

what in the hell is going on?

did he actually expect me to move to the middle of England where I know absolutely no one besides him in the Spawn of Satan, Who is also my worst enemy.

Oh My God, Oh My God!

I'm Pregnant and the Father of my Baby just broke up with me.

Oh My God, I'm all alone.

I begin to cry before covering myself under the blanket crying.

What in the hell is wrong with pin, Why would he do this? I thought he loved me?

My heart begins to race i feel like i can't breathe,
-I'm 19
-Have no Job
-No career that i can even obtain during the pregnancy beings i can't train.
- and My baby daddy just broke up with me

Oh my god My baby daddy just broke up with me.

Everything feels like it's happening so fast what am i going to do i'm broke.

I can't raise a baby on my own.

Breathe Zoe breathe i repeat to myself.

Once i catch my breath i start to sob some more.

You know i had this perfect image in my head of how Pin would take the News, He would come home and hold me and i would freak out not knowing what to do, and now he was gone,
he left me.

He Left Me.

I didn't see this coming.
I was blindsided and all alone.

I look around my room feeling trapped.

I walk over to the twinkle light pulling them off the wall.

I look at the picture of Pin on my night stand i grab it throwing it onto the ground shattering it onto the floor.
fall onto my knees i'm so lost, I can't do this i just can't
I rip the photos to pieces.

at least the ones of me and Pin.

How could he do this , How could he do this to me.

My heart began to hurt as if i felt it tearing into half.

My Brain goes back to the Call,
I never told him that i was pregnant.

Oh i couldn't do that now, If i was going to have this baby then i was going to have to have it on my own.

I have to do it.
It's my responsibility and it's my i have to take care of the baby.

I am exhausted i think about the day i woke up happy texting Pin excited to start my day then i fell of raven was taken to the hospital unconscious in a ambulance, Not to mention i found out something that is going to change the rest of my life forever. My left arm is Broken, not to mention i haven't told anyone that i'm pregnant and as soon as i try to tell Pin the father of my child, he breaks up with me.

God , why the hell did this have to happen.

Okay so i did it i wrote the break up got to say it wasn't easy but i'm happy with how it turned out and i can't wait to write new chapters


-XoXo Laura💕🌊♾

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