What will they Say?

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I Am Sorry.

• Zoe •


I collected myself before wiping my tears away making my way to the door. I open the door and walk down the hallway passing waiting room on the way I see Jade and Becky they rush and give me a hug.

God I didn't even tell them about me and Pin having sex.

I had no idea what they're gonna say.

would they hate me?

I shake my head as a tear flows.

becky: oh my Bob are you OK
Jade:  what's wrong

: nothing nothing I'm fine

they nod understandingly.

: can you please take me home.

my voice is fragile and weak.

Jade: Of course

we walk down the stairs and out the door til we see jades car as we make our way through the parking lot.

Becky: Marcus and the others went to find raven he jumped the fence after the accident.

: Is he okay

Becky: yes they found them they're taking him back to Bright fields now we can go see him if you like.

i open the door to Jades mercadies.

:I don't think so

i feel guilty i couldn't ride him for atleast 9 months alone everything was slowly falling apart.

What would Pin say? would he be mad? i couldn't believe this. Life takes a turn for the worst some times. I really want to ride so badly that's all i want. i look down pressing a hand on my abdomen i have can't believe this its shocking. as soon as i rich my stomach i pull my hand away as if it burned me i couldn't have Becky and Jade know not now i needed to figure out what the hell I'm going to do before i involve anyone else I really want to talk to pin right now. i reach into my pocket feeling around for my phone before remembering that i left it at home, i wonder if he responded yet.

the drive is fairly short yet it seemed to drag on for a while each minute making me want to panic more and more.

Jade: Marcus called Pin but he didn't answer and his voicemail is full so you want us to text him.

: NO! please just don't tell pin anything i don't want him to know.

Becky: why not he's your Bf after all.

: i.. ummm..... just don't want to uhh.. worry him.

I lye straight through my teeth praying they bought it.

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