what have i done

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Zoe : Your right he hasn't bothered to show up.

She looks me up and down. Oh god i have made a terrible mistake.

I look into her eyes as she starts to cry i walk towards her but she instead turns and runs.
I really fucked it up this time, What am i thinking this is Zoe, She's Loyal she would never cheat on me.

: Zoe , Zoe

I call after her but by now she is already out the stables.
I have to fix this. Thoughts are running through my mind so fast i can't even understand what exactly i'm doing.

Oh my god Zoe is pregnant with my baby. I'm going to be a father i have to get her back.

I can't find the words to speak.

I look at the entrance willing her to come back to me.

Instead all that comes through is

Marcus, Susie, Mia, Alex, Jade and Becky.

they look at me sympathetically. God i was such an ass to them.

I turn around looking at Gabby

:You lied, How could you

her smile disappears as i see she rolls her eyes

Gabby: Because a girl like that will only drag you down. God She's so Pathetic.

: No , You don't get to say that,

i shout back, I just said that out loud oh my god I am in love with her, Why the hell am i just standing her?

I look down before seeing everyone look at me with a small smile.

: I want you OUT! NOW.

i say to gabby before looking down at the ground. What am i going to do i have to get Zoe back but How?

God i called her horrible things.
I made her cry. I made the love of my life cry.

God i'm such a bastard what is wrong with me.

I Love her so damn much and I ... Oh my god...

the realization hits me once more sibling in this time.

I'm going to be a father, I broke up with her before she could tell me she was having my child. I didn't even try to hear her out.
Why did i just let her go, I should have come home and fought for her.

I wasn't there for her and i should have been she needed me and i wasn't there god i'm so stupid. I have to fix this i can't loose her not again.

When i came home i expected her to be there at the stables waiting for me and then saying

It's about time you come home.

and i would run and hold her in my arms and everything would be right again.

I should have known something was up i should have gone after her that day. Zoe is my world it's been so empty without her in my life.

Why in the heck did i listen to Gabby they hate each other i should have known better than believe what she said about her cheating on me.

I have to do something.

I look up seeing the others walking towards me.

:I'm so sorry but I...

Susie : you have to go

Susie smiles at me for the first time since i got back.

Jade: Go get her.

i smile nodding as i race out the Stables.

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