Mothers dont always know best

440 8 2

• Zoe •

I fall to my knees on the stairs.
God this day can't get any worse! 

I then Hear the door to the house open....

I turn around to see my mother either a unreadable look on her face. I can't tell what she's thinking but I also can't help to wonder why she is here I haven't talk to her in almost 2 weeks why wouldn't she call and tell me she was coming. Even though I don't have my phone I would've thought she would have called the house or something before dropping in.

Mom: It's true then

: what's true

Mom: oh don't act stupid Zoe, your friend filled me in on the phone.

: my friend?

I think back remembering I had lost my phone about a week ago disappeared after I went to the stables where I ran in pin, so I then ran to hay bails And I talk to Susie Gabby must've overheard.
It's possible that I left my phone there on accident and Gabby took it.

Oh my God she told her.

Gabby than Bitch told my mother than i was pregnant.

Mom: I allowed you to stay here because I trusted you Zoe but clearly that was a mistake.

At this point there wasn't much i could say for myself she was going to hold this against me for a very long time. My mother always told me to wait until marriage but, of course i didn't listen and i wish i would have now because I would do anything to get out of this conversation right now i just told pin after he said these horrible things to me and now i have to deal with my mother.

Mom: Go get your stuff we are going back to LA, You will live under our roof where we can keep an eye on you and first thing when you get back We will get you scheduled for a Abortion as soon as we can.


how could she even say something like this I might be 19 with no job or money not to mention no father to this baby but, i won't give up on it i love this child.

Mom: This isn't up for discussion you either get rid of that .. Thing...

: It's not a "Thing" Mother it's a baby.

Mom: Well you can either get rid of ... Or you can get out.

: Mom you can't be serious.

Mom: The answer is obvious Zoe end this monstrosity!

: Excuse me, You know what fine.

I turn around to walk away having no clue where i'm going.

Mom: If you take another step young lady you will be cut off from this family for good, You will be a homeless wreck of a mother, your baby will be better off dead than with you as a mother!

I can't believe she just said that i turn around looking at her in the eyes one last time, Before running to the field tears streaming down my face,

Where am i going to live?

How am i going to raise a baby when i have no money?

I have no job!

God maybe the baby would be better off dead but, I'm going to try i'm going to try to be the best mother i can.

the encouragement i tried to give myself was useless.

I felt myself breaking like a piece of paper tearing apart...

How ever tears can be fixed with tape,

I hear the footsteps coming closer.

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