It just happened

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• Zoe •

:Oh my god you and Marcus has sex when you were 15!?

Mia: No

i look at her with a i know where baby's come from look.

Mia : we had sex when i was 14

: Oh my god you slut.

Mia: Zoe.. your the one knocked up here.

: your were too at one point

Mia: Damnit that is true.

: You really love him don't you?

Mia: Yeah I really do.

Suddenly I hear the door open then close i look at Mia before Jade and Becky come into the room.

: Hey guys i thought we were having Lunch at 12

Jade: Oh we were but you see we also planned on taking a hack this morning,

annoyance yet happiness is sounded through her voice.

what is she going on about?

Mia: Alright i'm confused why are y'all not on a hack then?

Becky: I can't

: Well why not?

Jade: Because when i came over to pick Becky up she wouldn't answer the door so i opened it using the spare key and i go up to her bedroom to see she and Alex had quite a eventful night.

: What are you serious

i am in shock Mia is as well.
we always thought Becky would be in her 30's still a virgin.

Mia : No way you and Alex's Relationship always seemed so ...

Jade : So did Zoe and Pins

my heart sunk at the mention of him however could keep the blame to myself got to pass it along.

: So did Mia and Marcus's

Becky: Wait you had Sex with Marcus

Mia: Maybe

: When she was 14

Mia: Zoe not the time

Becky: It just kinda happened

Jade : Oh my god how am i the only one that's still a virgin i
atleast thought i would be de flowered before becky.

Mia: I know i'm surprised too i thought you would be in the middle at least. I'm still betting you will get married first.

Jade: I don't even have a boyfriend.

: Neither do i and hey i'm pregnant.

Mia: Jade cheer up you will meet someone great someday and Zoe screw Pin I'm still down to kick his ass if you want.

: Becky at least tell me you used protection cause I didn't my first time and look where that got me.

Becky: Yes we did

Mia : wait that was your first time 3 months ago?

: yeah why?

Mia: Jade here's your 10

: what

Becky: they made a bet on how long you and pin had been down and dirty.

: Oh come on seriously.

Jade: Sorry Zoe
Mia: Sorry, i guess i shouldn't mention it to Marcus he and Alex had a bet going to.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes they actually made bets on my sex life.

Which was now nonexistent might i add.

Jade: So Mia who's New in town

Mia: what are you talking about.

Becky: we were walking through Bright fields and there was a horse trailer pulling up we didn't see who was in it Jade was to busy giving me a mom lecture.

I couldn't help but laugh that sounded so much like jade.

Mia: I have no idea Marcus has been helping out in the office it's, probably one of the new horses for pony camp this fall.

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