Chapter 1

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V walks into his best friends office to hear talking so he knocked on the door first

"Come in." Jumin says and when V walked in and he looked shocked to see a smiling face that he thought he would never see again

"Oh sorry jumin I didn't know you had company."

"This is y/n my girlfriend she was just dropping by."

Jumin then kisses you and you kissed him back

V was shocked

*that can't be y/n she went off to travel the world after we broke up because the break up was so bad for both of us that we couldn't handle seeing each other at all. When did she return? And how did she and jumin get to know each other?* V thinks as he watches you kiss jumins cheek

"I should get going Jumin I'll see you later right." You say smiling at him and he nods and you pass V it was like you didn't recognize him which shocked him did he really change a lot

V then talked with jumin

"How did you meet your girlfriend?"

"It was 2 years ago we met because I bumped into her and she got hurt so I helped her to her house and then we got to know each other and a few weeks later we were dating. Now this is a secret but I'm planning on proposing to her after 2 almost 3 years of dating I wanna marry her." Jumin says which V looked super shocked his heart shattered like you and him had just broken up again

"wow really marriage?"

"Yeah of course it's not like we only just met like your acting like we are." Jumin says and V then pretended he got a text and told jumin he has to leave which when he did he sees you laughing and smiling with people he guesses are your friends

*She truly doesn't remember me? After 5 years together she doesn't even remember my face*

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