Abstinence (NSFW/YG)

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It had been a while since Yoongi and you had been able to see each other, with the upcoming tour he had to be practising all day long and by the time he was done, he was simply exhausted. It didn't help that he didn't have his own private place. He was not supposed to be seeing anyone, so your relationship was a secret, not even the other members knew about you. Maybe once he felt ready; he didn't need more reasons to stress out and being teased by the guys was something he didn't want to put up with.

To be extra cautious, you were saved on his contacts list as "Sis". It was extremely awkward, but again, if he got caught, his contract would be terminated and that was not an option. In the beginning he tried his best to ignore your existence, music is his life and he couldn't risk ruining what he had worked so hard for. However, his head turned against him and a mental block prevented him from being able to work on his songs at all. The thoughts of you invaded his head, it was so irritating, why were you so hard to ignore. He tried to forget about you with no avail, he couldn't seem to get over it. He was pissed off, but he ended up giving in with the excuse that he could not get out of this rut unless he addressed the matter.

So here he was, he was good at putting on a poker face and looking unbothered, so far everything had gone smoothly. But he was feeling the abstinence of your presence, your touch, the sound of your voice, the softness of your skin and warmth of your lips. He was not good at expressing his feelings, but he felt intensely. And it was incredibly inconvenient, for the record.

He took advantage of the short space between one song and the other and quickly ran to his backpack, which was laying in the room's corner and pulled out his cellphone. He couldn't believe this is what he had become, but whether he liked it or not, you literally fogged his mind and it drove him crazy, you did. He looked up your contact and smashed the screen's keyboard to be able to quickly message you without anybody noticing. Luckily, you were online.

- Hey, are you busy?

- Oh, hi! Just getting out of work, how are you? How's practice going?

- Fine. Do you think you could drop by the studio? We have a break in like half an hour.

- I don't understand. What do you mean...

- Can you? No one will find out. The back door is right around the left side, wait for me at a safe distance.

Yoongi was so absorbed he didn't hear Namjoon calling him until he had repeated himself twice.

Come on, I don't want to be here until 1 am. again. We only have a couple rounds to go - he sounded annoyed from having been ignored and the bags under his eyes gave Yoongi the feeling that he was exhausted. He shoved his phone back in his bag and walked back to the center of the room as the next song started playing. You hadn't replied before he had to leave, he huffed and tried not to have his face reflect the frustration he was feeling inside as he positioned himself in his place of the formation.

It was his turn to move forward for his part and mid-rap he heard his phone vibrate from across the room. His senses were alert and his mind was still elsewhere, his tongue twisted and he lost himself in his words. He let his legs go and loudly fell on a sitting position, his knees propped up, one hand on his face and his other arm hanging from his knee. He sighed audibly as the other members uttered annoyed words about starting over.

Hoseok walked up to Yoongi and patted him on the back Are you okay? Don't worry, we are all tired, these things happen - and then extended his hand to help him get up. He said nothing, but looked at Hobi and gave him a half-hearted smile. He went back to his initial position, still thinking about his phone, but he wouldn't be able to check it until the break now.

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