Fourth Base (NSFW/TH/Cont.)

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When you were about to ring the doorbell of the apartment, you saw the door was slightly open. For a moment you panicked until you pushed it open and saw a polaroid photo on the floor. You picked it up and looked at it, it was you looking embarrassed on one of the first dates you had with Tae. You saw there was another photo a few steps away and closed the door and went to pick it up. It was the photo you had taken immediately after because his reaction to you was too adorable not to document. You smiled and looked around, there were photos every few feet all along the lounge and into the hallway.

The last photo was stuck on Taehyung's bedroom door. You pulled it off, it was a photo of both your hands forming a heart, you laughed at it softly, your half of the heart looked much smaller next to Tae's hand. Maybe if someone else saw the photo, they wouldn't understand what you were trying to do due to the size difference. You remembered how you laughed that day when the photo finally came into view after you gave it a few minutes to develop.

You opened the door carefully, the curtains were closed and the only source of light in the room were the fairy lights that adorned the walls. When you took a closer look, you could see a timeline made of polaroid photos that went all around the room up to the last photo you had taken of both of you on the other side of the room. What is all of this? - you asked yourself softly thinking the room was empty.

Do you like it? - Tae's voice made you jump, you hadn't seen him looking at you from the corner, leaning on the wall. Why didn't you say hi? - you asked still shocked by his sudden appearance. Sorry, your face when you came in the room was priceless - he said with an unruly smile. You started walking to him and he pushed himself off the wall and did the same.

You both came to a stop in front of the bed and your eyes met, his were full of built up desire. He looked down at your lips and then back at you and ran his hand along your face carefully, tracing your features with his index finger. Tilting his head back closely analyzing you, his eyes were lit with lust. He placed his hand on the side of your jaw and leaned in to kiss you sensually but hungrily. He bit your lip and when you opened your mouth he sneaked his tongue in and placed his other hand on your face to keep you close even when breaking apart to breath. He couldn't stand you pulling away for a second.

Tae lowered his hands to your hips and pushed you against the bed, when you lost your balance your knees buckled and you fell on it, your boyfriend falling right on top as he didn't take his lips out of yours. He rolled pulling you on top of him without interrupting the heated kissing. His hands were messily running up and down your sides underneath your shirt now, occasionally stroking the sides of your breasts, to his surprise you hadn't bothered to put a bra on. Your soft moans every time his hands reached them muffled by his lips as he breathlessly kissed you, his breathing as agitated as yours as you both struggled for air, but couldn't bear to be apart.

You felt him hard against your thigh and reached down with your hand to stroke him and tease him while you undid his pants and pulled them down. He groaned with that deep voice of his and you nibbled his neck playfully, placing a kiss behind his earlobe. To your surprise, he wasn't wearing anything under his jeans and neither were you, he soon found out when he tugged on yours to try and get them off without moving from your face. He rolled back on top.

You wriggled out of them, his body curving over you in an attempt not to lose hold of you. Sitting up, he grabbed the hem of your top and pulled it up and out breaking your lips apart for just as much time as necessary. You did the same and when it went through his head, he lunged himself back at you, his legs wrapped around yours and his warm body pressing you down against the bed. You placed your hands on his upper arms and caressed them, your moans getting louder as you felt every inch of his body in contact with yours.

He bit and kissed you all over your neck and you involuntarily dug your nails in his skin. You incited more deep groans and you opened your eyes to find his, yours were just as dark now when you smirked at him and he smirked back lewdly. He made his way inside of you and you let out a drowned moan. He whimpered aroused at the sound and went back to kissing your neck hungrily, your skin tingling and making you curl and shift underneath him.

As he thrusted he slid his arm around your back and held your waist tightly in place as he rubbed himself against your whole body simultaneously, feeling your curves with every move, back and forth. You bent back around his arm as you felt your orgasm coming and squeezed his shoulders. He buried his face on your chest and kissed you softly as you rode it, growling quietly against your skin. The feeling of your body shuddering in his hold drove him crazy.

The softness was gone and replaced with rough thrusts as he tried to relieve himself from the tension, a sharp moan came out of his lips as he finally came in you. He buried his face on the crook of your neck as he whimpered and groaned against your skin. His hold on you loosening as he lost control and you wrapping your arms around his waist to make up for it, keeping your body pressed against his hovering one.

He flopped on you, his whole body weight crushing you for a few seconds, and then rolled over to your side, wrapping himself around you and circling your body with both arms. He filled your face with kisses and stared at your swollen lips, you ran your index finger through his now plump, red bottom lip. You looked into each other's eyes catching your breath and smiling widely as you giggled.

You brought his face close and leaned against his forehead, burying your hands into the hair on the nape of his neck and playing with it. He held your bottom lip between his teeth smirking before kissing you, his tongue brushing his lips from time to time as he savored the taste. You placed your hands on his chest to put some distance. I need to breath - you said as you inhaled deeply and exhaled, your chest moving rapidly. He chuckled and nuzzled the back of your jaw.

You moved on your side to face him and winced, you cursed under your breath, starting to feel your sore muscles as the adrenaline wore off. He ran his fingers through your thighs, his face flushed - I'm sorry, I went overboard - he said softly against your ear, starting to feel sore himself. You looked at his bruised neck and scratched shoulders and pressed the tips of your fingers on them - I'm sorry too, you'll need to cover these marks - you said feeling a little embarrassed.

He laughed softly and caressed your cheek with his thumb - so will you - he said poking each hickey he left from your neck to your chest. Sorry, I'm not sorry - he smiled your favorite smile at you and you pursed your lips at him shaking your head. Neither am I - you replied with a devilish smirk and kissed him. He pulled you closer to him and you both started rolling on the bed giggling in between more kisses.

You heard voices in the hallway and you froze, Tae scrambled to unplug the string of lights and grab the comforter. Pressing you tight to his chest, he covered both of you with it and brought a pillow to his head. He closed his eyes and tried to steady his breathing. The door creaked open and Hobi peeked inside, he saw Tae laying in bed, his hair sticking to his forehead due to the sweat of being feverish most likely.

He pouted and talked to someone in whispers - poor Taehyungie, he looks terrible and like he's got temperature. I'm glad we came to check up on him. You could hear Yoongi's voice answering - let's go so he can rest, I'll leave the food in the kitchen table so he sees it when he wakes up. You could hear them walking away and then out of the apartment shortly after. You both burst out laughing at their innocent observation.

He held you closely and wrapped his legs around yours, placing his chin on top of your head. You climbed onto his pillow and made yourself comfortable. Softly running your nails through his arm lovingly until you both fell asleep and melted into each other exhausted.

 Softly running your nails through his arm lovingly until you both fell asleep and melted into each other exhausted

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