Fourth Base (TH)

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Taehyung and you had been dating for a few months now and he had been intending to take the next step for a few weeks. However, his plans always failed, someone always interrupted his efforts. You both live in dorms with several roommates and finding a time when the place is all to yourselves is nearly impossible. Taehyung's impatience was growing. With every failed opportunity, he was more and more determined and eager.

Tae was curled up in pain as Yeontan had just violently landed on his lap in the middle of a make out session that had left him feeling quite sensitive in that area. You couldn't help but laugh - are you okay, Tae? - you asked feeling sorry for him in between giggles. He was holding his crotch, laying over his arms, his forehead pressed against the couch. You were sitting in front of him as you rubbed his back. No, he was not okay, even his dog cock-blocked him, he thought. He just grumbled at you in response.

Yoongi, Hobi and Namjoon came through the door. Perfect, he thought sarcastically when he heard them. What's wrong? - Hobi asked curiously looking at you and pointing at your boyfriend. Tannie just jumped on him a little too hard - you said bursting into laughter again. Tae's hand reached out and slapped your thigh in protest for revealing too much information. The guys couldn't help but join you laughing at Yeontan's occurrence. I hate you all - Tae mumbled without changing his position.

Does it really hurt that bad? - you said placing your hands on his shoulders. At this point, he was just so frustrated he just wanted to stay in that fetal position for the rest of the evening. He straightened himself up and slid his legs off the sofa, laying back and looking annoyed. You noticed he was pouting slightly. You reached behind his ear and scratched his hair, he closed his eyes and focused on your hand, trying to relax.

You kissed his cheek and he opened one of his eyes, looking at you with a sideways glance. What is it Tae? Something's bothering you - you asked. I wish we had some privacy sometimes, you know - he motioned with his hands to his lap trying to hint at what he meant then closed his eyes furrowing his eyebrows. You chuckled - is that so? - you asked teasingly. He was not in the mood to join in the game.

You scooted closer to him and hugged his waist. He laid his arm around your shoulders and held you tight. What if we take a day off from work? - you suggested in a whisper. His eyes shot open - what? I can't miss work - he thought about it though, there's no way he could get away with that. I can call in sick - you whispered as you rubbed your hand on his thigh. He didn't know if you were doing this on purpose or if he just was constantly on the edge and anything you did made him feel aroused. You're saying I should become sick? - Tae verified what you were hinting at.

He turned to look at you, an eyebrow raised. You smiled at him cutely and he wiggled his eyebrows and smirked. You chuckled and patted his thigh - we are all set then! - you said happy you could put a smile on his face. You couldn't deny you were also wishing he'd make a move, now that you looked back, you could tell each and every time things had been stopped abruptly for one reason or another.

That Monday when you both got your weekly schedules, you decided on a day that would suit both of you and planned your "sick day". Tae suggested Wednesday, if it hadn't been too suspicious, he would have said Tuesday. I can't wait to see you - he said, his tone filled with excitement. You chuckled and as soon as you hung up, it sank in and you felt a little nervous.

Tuesday seemed to go by incredibly slow for both of you, you could barely focus. Tae was in the same situation, checking the time every moment he could and huffing in frustration when not even an hour had gone by since the last time he checked the clock. He kept getting lost in thought and the other members were starting to get frustrated with him. You keep coming in late, it's got to be Jungkook's turn, then yours and Jimin last, not Jimin first and you last - Hobi explained for the third time how the song went, he was losing his patience.

Even Taehyung was frustrated with himself when he sang at the right time, but his voice was all over the place, messing up the song for the fourth time. Yoongi was glaring at him, they had to go through several songs and he was clearly not focusing, he wasn't even trying. What's the matter with you today? - he asked annoyed. I'm sorry - Tae paused before continuing - I'm not feeling all too well - he said, he might as well get off work early to make it more believable.

Namjoon approached him - take the afternoon off, get some rest - he said looking at Tae and feeling concerned. He nodded and felt guilty, though that quickly went away as soon as he left the studio and no longer felt pressured to focus on anything but the idea of finally having some alone time with you tomorrow.

He needed to keep himself busy for the rest of the day, so he went through the photos he had taken of you since you had started dating and prepared a surprise. He went out and bought some extra things he needed and planned everything out. When he heard the guys coming into the apartment, he quickly got into bed. Jin opened the door slowly to check on Taehyung, he was already in bed, figuring he was asleep, he closed the door quietly.

Tae pulled his phone under the covers and messaged you - I don't know if I'll be able to sleep . You chuckled when you read it, you were about to reply when another message came in - it's like Christmas eve - you burst out laughing at his cheesy comment, but you loved how adorable he was when excited. Good night, try to get some sleep, time will go faster - you texted back and went to bed. He spent the night waking up every few hours, sleeping restlessly.

When he opened his eyes for the umpteenth time and saw that it was finally morning, he jumped out of bed and was about to take a shower when he heard a knock on the door. Yes? - he said waiting to hear who it was - how are you feeling? - Jungkook was asking from the other side. Still a little off - he replied hesitantly. Kookie opened the door and looked at him - oh, you don't look good - he said furrowing his eyebrows - get some more rest, I'll let the guys know - then he closed the door.

Tae was confused, he didn't even have to try to pretend, but why did he say that? He walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, he looked exhausted, at least the bad night's sleep had helped him with something. He showered and then set up everything he had prepared the previous day before texting you good morning.

 He showered and then set up everything he had prepared the previous day before texting you good morning

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