You know BTS? (JM)

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You were late for class and you weren't looking where you were going as you checked your watch. You ran right into this guy and fell on your butt, all the papers you were carrying flew out of your arms and were now spread everywhere. You cursed, of course this had to happen the one day you needed to be there for an exam.

- I'm sorry - you said without looking at the guy, scrambling to get your papers as fast as you could. He crouched and started gathering the papers, you seemed to be in a hurry and he felt bad because he didn't see you coming either. No, I'm sorry, I didn't see you - he said in a soft, sweet voice. You looked up to see who that voice belonged to and he gulped afraid you'd recognize him despite the hoodie covering his head and the face-mask. His eyes looked bright and his expression was also soothing like his voice.

- I'm late to my class - you said as you picked up the last few papers that had been blown by the wind behind him. He was secretly glad that you were oblivious to his presence. I'm sorry, can I do anything for you? - he said feeling guilty. You looked at him, what could he do. Almost positive that you were clueless, he lowered his mask and double checked. You blinked waiting for him to say something, as he was still facing you with his lips parted intently. Can I make it up to you with coffee? - he asked timidly, he didn't believe he had said that out loud. This was reckless, but it was safe because you had no idea, right?

You were caught off guard - uh, yeah, sure, why not? - you replied observing his now uncovered face, he had a nice smile too and his hair was dyed a cute shade of blonde. You scribbled your number and name on a piece of paper from your notebook and tore it out to hand it to him. I really need to go, nice to meet you, text me! - and you turned around and got off sight after only a few seconds as you turned the corner.

Jimin registered the number on his cellphone and texted you "I'm Jimin, by the way, this is my number". He figured you'd know it was him that bumped into you. He put his phone away and continued to walk back to the dance studio where he was meeting the guys, he had wanted to pick up something he was craving from a coffee shop nearby.

You agreed to meet at that same coffee shop a week later, early in the morning before he had to go to work and you had to go to class. It was a quiet family owned coffee shop that was hidden around a narrow dead end street. It looked a little scary, but it was broad daylight and you could see a friendly sign hanging from the door. You walked in and it was very homey and warm, you smiled looking around and you saw Jimin sitting on one of the tables along the opposite wall.

He waved and you bowed slightly to greet him, you turned around ready to order your coffee and have something to eat as this was going to be your breakfast. He walked over to the line - it's only fair I invite you breakfast - he said as he stood next to you. You looked at him feeling bad that he was going to pay for all of it, not just the coffee. He wanted to make it up to you so you didn't fight it - thank you, that's very kind of you. He flashed you a bright smile and you smiled back, less enthusiastically though. You felt slightly awkward meeting up with a random stranger.

You walked back to the table he had picked with your coffee and pastry in hand. You sat on the chair opposite to the wall, feeling safer than being against it and trapped on the other side. You had to be careful, looks could deceive. So, what do you do for a living? - you asked curiously trying to start some small talk to break the ice.

Um, I dance - he tried to be vague not to give himself away. Oh, that's very nice, I'm majoring to become a composer and lyricist - you replied happily that at least you'd have one thing to talk about without this being uncomfortable for both of you. Really? - Jimin said, even more shocked that you'd never heard of BTS. He wasn't full of himself, but the band was pretty well known these days and sometimes they even did commercials. He never imagined he could get this lucky at this point in their career.

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