What on Earth happened? (NSFW/TH)

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note: only implicit mature content

Tae yawned and stretched out his arms, he's having a hard time waking up this morning. He turned around on his other side as he untangled his limbs from the pillow he was hugging. He opened his eyes slightly to see through the window, but they quickly widened as big as plates when he saw a woman was lying on the other side of his bed. Between the light blinding him and the shock, he fell out of bed on his back with a loud thud.

He realized he was completely naked and his head was pounding as hard as his heart. The loud noise woke you up, you jumped up on the bed when you realized this was not your room. Half your naked body exposed from under the comforter from the sudden motion. You saw a man's gaze by the side of the bed and fumbled to cover your breasts with the comforter as you covered the scream that was just about to come out of your mouth with your hand.

He quickly grabbed the robe by his bed apologizing profusely and covered himself with it. You stared at him, scared for a moment, but then you rubbed your eyes, this couldn't be...- I...you... - Tae tried to say something, but he didn't even know what that was. You were gawking at him, still as shocked as when you woke up. I assume you don't know what's going on - he said as you shook your head and blushed. This was so embarrassing, what had you done? Last thing you remember was going out with your group of friends at night.

He scratched the back of his head, his face burning red as well, staring at the floor - neither do I - he said in a low voice as he rubbed his face frantically, trying to process what was going on, a million thoughts racing through his head. He was out with the guys, he had told himself he would only drink one glass of whatever they were having, because he is very lightweight. He must have royally failed at that because he had clearly screwed up.

Well, first things first, he figured since he couldn't turn back time. I'm Kim Taehyung, this is my room - he said awkwardly and cleared his throat which was still raspy from just waking up. Your suspicion was correct, this was indeed Taehyung. You felt dizzy but secretly excited that...something, whatever it was, had brought you here.

You put your hand on your forehead to try and stabilize yourself. Are you okay? Does your head hurt? - he said concerned as he reached out to you and immediately went into his bathroom to grab some pills to help with the hangover. Let me get you some water and food to take these - he handed you the pills and got out of the room praying no one was up.

He walked in the kitchen and was overwhelmed by every single member staring at him judgingly. Great, he thought. Jin's and Namjoon's stares were particularly daunting. We'll have a talk later - Jin blurted out dryly. He got up from his chair and handed Tae a tray with breakfast for two - You'd better have breakfast in your room while you figure out what you are going to do - he spun him around and pushed him out of the kitchen. Tae was overcome with tremendous guilt.

He came into the room to find you fully clothed, he figured you had washed yourself and fixed your hair. He side glanced at his paper basket and saw a used condom. He gulped at the thought that you had had sex, but relief washed over him. At least he had an ounce of sensibility even when drunk. Here, my hyung made breakfast for us - he said as he gave you the tray and you placed it on your lap. Thank you. By the way... - you said as you introduced yourself, which you hadn't been able to do. I used the bathroom, I hope you don't mind. Tae shook his head no as he sat on the other side of the bed, as self-conscious as he had ever been, staring blankly at his lap while he mentally went through his options.

You ate your breakfast and took the pills he had given you after analyzing them carefully. You were trying not to be obvious about knowing who he was, though he wasn't sure whether he knew you knew. I mean, who wouldn't? But then again, it was a possibility that you were not into k-pop. Once you were done with half the tray, you handed it to him so he could eat. He nodded to thank you and placed it on the bed as he absentmindedly shoved rice in his mouth.

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