Farm boy turned idol (TH/Pt. 4)

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You sat by the stream, dipped your feet in and talked for hours on end. Taehyung told you all about his childhood at the farm, which you knew little about and shared anecdotes about his family, specially fond memories of her grandma. He teared up a bit, but his sadness turned into a content smile as he thought of all the beautiful moments they'd had.

He pulled a couple sandwiches he had packed from his rucksack and a couple bottles of water and you enjoyed your lunch in the open. Leaning on his lap as you looked up at the cloudless sky as he held you in his arms. Eventually you both fell asleep and took a short nap. When Tae woke up he saw the sun was setting, he straightened himself up and leaned into you, still sleeping on his lap. Your eyes shot open and you saw his neck, he was kissing you upside down.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and enjoyed the oddly angled kiss for a bit to then hold onto him tight when he tried to pull away. You wrestled with each other until you let go of him. You were surprisingly strong so it took him a while to break free, or rather to be set free, though he would never admit that it was you.

As you galloped back to the house, you could see the sun setting over the horizon. The sky was a display of purple, orange and pink hues. This time you were sitting behind your boyfriend and holding his waist, laying your head on his back. You stopped for a minute so that he could take a couple photos of it, sneaking in a picture of you obliviously looking at the sky in amazement. You got back on the horse and he took another picture of you before climbing back on and resuming your ride back home, as he called it naturally.

He told you to wait outside as he ran back in the house, it was getting chilly and you protested. But he said he'd bring back warm clothes back for you, it would only take a minute. He came back holding a pile of blankets, already wearing a sweater and holding one for you with his teeth. You giggled and took it from him as you thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and helped him set the blankets on the grass. When you formed a cozy nest with them, you laid down covering yourselves with yet another blanket and made yourselves comfortable as the stars started to come through the night sky. You cuddled and that was enough to stay warm.

It was late at night when you fell asleep, yet Taehyung was wide awake, he had trouble falling asleep. His senses were alert as his heart beat passionately for this place he loved so much, he felt like he would waste precious minutes of his stay if he closed his eyes. Staying awake was not an option if he wanted to make the most out of tomorrow and not be exhausted by Monday morning when he had to go back to work. He sighed and contemplated the contrast for a while.

He laid on his side trying not to disturb your sleep and then looked at you for a while, going through every detail of your face, your hair as it fell on your neck and part of your face and your hands which you had tucked underneath. He brushed the hair off your face and leaned closer to cup your cheek and kiss your forehead. He chuckled when you didn't even blink and sat up to hold you up and carry you to bed.

He placed you on it and after changing into his pajamas and taking off your shoes, jeans and sweater, he tucked you in. He got in bed and slid next to you to hold you close, this time his legs were wrapped around the pillow, but his arms circled yours.

The next morning you ate leftovers from Saturday's breakfast as there was plenty of food. Tae's family was coming over for lunch and Mikyung had offered to cook for you so that you could enjoy your last day at the farm. You were nervous, but didn't have much time to think about it as Taehyung took you on a tour, showing you all the animals they had and the crops.

It was strawberry season, so he was excited to pick some of those for dessert. You saw him nibbling on a strawberry as he reached out to pick out more and put them in a basket. Can't wait to eat them, I see - you chuckled at the sight of his lips stained with the juice, looking shiny and red. I found some bushes on the other side, there were raspberries and I couldn't resist - you commented hoping it was ok to do that, he took a small handful from your basket and shoved them in his mouth - Mmm, these are good - he said with his mouth full and his cheeks puffy.

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