Always tired (NSFW/YG)

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After a long week, Yoongi arrived to your place on Friday evening exhausted. You got up from the couch when you saw him and met him at the door to hug him. What - he briefly looked down at you before you wrapped your arms around him. Are you wearing briefs? - he asked shocked. Yeah, they are comfortable, so? - you looked at him funny. He pulled back and looked at you, just wearing underwear and a fitted sleeveless top. Why don't you put some pants on? - he said and walked past you to sit on the couch.

You turned around and looked at him puzzled, since when did he care. It's hot today and this is my apartment, you know - you shot at him a little annoyed. He sighed and patted the couch next to him, without lifting his head from the back. He snaked his arm around your hips and rested his hand lazily over your butt while you hugged his waist. It's so hot, because of you - he mumbled and smirked without opening his eyes. I'm too tired for this - he whined and you giggled, kissing his cheek. Fine, I'll put some pants on - you said as you were getting up.

He grabbed the waist of your underwear in an attempt for you not to leave and the elastic band bounced back - ow! what was that for? - you turned around rubbing the red skin underneath. It's too late now - he mumbled and you rolled your eyes, sitting back down. You could have just said that rather than hurting me - you scolded him playfully and he chuckled, rubbing your hip with the pads of his fingers along the waistband. There, all better - he teased laughing softly.

He reached out to grab both your arms and brought you on his lap - I want to do it, do it for me* - he muttered. What? - you asked confused. He raised his head, looking at you with it tilted and locked eyes with you - ride me - he said bluntly and gave you a cheeky smile before closing his eyes and resting his head back again. You blinked a couple times processing what he said.

You stood up and he opened an eye to look at you, you were looking down at him. He laid back and shifted to make himself comfortable. He unbuttoned his jeans and let you do the rest. You slid them halfway down his thighs as he seemed to have no intention of moving. You were going to use your hands but he took your wrist and rolled his head to a side to look at you intensely again, just for a second to get the point across.

You're pretty demanding for not doing anything - you spat and glared at him, he laughed airily but didn't bother to look at you. He placed his hands on either side of the couch as you went down on him. He smiled blissfully and hummed as his hips twitched ever so slightly underneath you. He brushed your cheek with his fingers to get your attention and you knew.

Getting up, you removed your briefs as your boyfriend sneaked a peek, smirking to himself. He stared up at you, only his eyes moving to follow you. You straddled his lap and he wrapped his arms around your hips. Lowering yourself on him, he groaned under his breath, parting his lips with shallow breaths. He played with his fingers on your thighs as you rocked on his lap.

Yoongi bit his lips as he got closer, letting out a dragged groan and pressing his finger tips on your butt-cheeks. Jagi, you're the best** - he growled when you leaned in to kiss his neck as he breathed heavily. You placed your hands on his shoulders and went a little rougher on him. He moaned softly as you came around him, burying your nails in his skin and moving your hips in small circles. He rubbed his hands up and down your thighs until your grip on him relaxed.

You laid your forehead on the crook of his neck for a minute to recover and he turned his head to press a soft and sloppy kiss on your neck. You resumed your harsh moves and he slid his hands up to your waist to control the pace. Just as you could feel him throbbing he pulled you up and held your body tightly against him. He pressed his forehead on your chest, gasping for air and moaning softly as he rode his high. You ran your hand through his hair lovingly a few times as his hold on you relaxed and he let you fall back on him.

Wrapping your arms around him lazily, you snuggled him. You both dozed off for a bit. Yoongi woke up in the middle of the night and placed his arm around your thighs before getting up. He sleepily pulled his pants up with his other hand and carried you to bed, laying you on it carefully. Yoongi briefly left to clean himself and then woke you up to do the same. He brought you a pair of pajamas and then got into bed. His head propped up on his elbow, waiting for you.

You laid on your side and your boyfriend lightly threw an arm around your hip not to make you hot in the warm summer night. Intertwining your fingers and his, you held the hand that hung over you. You owe me, tomorrow is your turn - you mumbled teasingly and he leaned in to kiss your neck chuckling.


* because one time Yoongi asked someone else to go to the bathroom for him, tired level 100

** he's said this towards the camera for ARMY before

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