Farm boy turned idol (TH)

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Tae invited you over to the dorm on Friday evening to spend the night. The doorman recognized you and opened the door as soon as you walked up the steps of the building – Thank you, Mr. Lee, have a nice evening – you said with a courteous smile and nodded gratefully. You too, miss – he said.

You rang the doorbell and waited, Jimin opened the door. Oh, hi, Jimin-ah – you said smiling. Come in, please – he said and invited you to sit on the couch. Taehyungie is in the shower, he should be out any minute now – he said and excused himself to go back to work. Poor thing, he looked tired, he must be very busy if he had to work home after a whole day at the studio.

Taehyung came in the lounge nonchalantly, only wearing a towel that hung low on his hips. He was surprised when he saw you, he quickly turned around to adjust his towel to his waist – oh, you're here already! – you guessed no one told him you had arrived. He walked up to you and gave you a quick peck – I'll be right back, I just needed my phone.

He picked it up from the coffee table and as he headed down the hallway he came across Hobi. There's a lady in the living room, what are you doing walking around naked? – he teased and earned a punch from Tae – Shut up, Hyung – he shot back rolling his eyes, this is exactly why he had adjusted his towel, he had no shame when it came to you. Hobi laughed and bumped his shoulder as he walked past him.

He came back about 10 minutes later, dressed in an off-white turtle neck cashmere sweater, a beige trench coat, brown pants and a tartan brimmed beret matching. He looked so handsome, you loved his taste and style. When he was close enough, you noticed he was holding two suitcases. You shot up and asked - where are you going? - he smirked - where are we going, you mean - he winked at you as he placed the suitcases by the door.

Your eyes lit up with curiosity and the sides of his lips curled as he was amused. Really? - he came closer and poked your cheek - Really. I took the the weekend off since I've been so busy these last few weeks. He made a face and you could tell he felt bad for not spending as much time with you as you would have both wanted.

Where are we going? - you asked excitedly - not telling - he said bluntly and chuckled. Oh, come on, by the looks of it we are about to leave anyway - you pulled your best aegyo, but your charms were not working. "Damnit" you thought. You're being too cute, stop it - he said teasingly and headed to the door. He looked over his shoulder and waited for you - weren't we just about to leave? - he asked. Oh, yes, of course! - you quickly grabbed your things, got up and walked up to him, unconsciously skipping happily.  He giggled and pressed a kiss on your forehead.

A black car was ready for you outside, a man grabbed your bags and put them in the trunk. Tae opened the door and you scooted to the opposite window. He got in and closed the door, telling the driver the address of where you were heading. The train station? - you questioned him. That's it - he said as he rested his back on the seat and looked out the window, rubbing his bottom lip between his index finger and thumb.

You started to tell him your concerns about going in public and he was quick to cut you off - It's gonna be fine, we are in first class and I asked for privacy. As much as I love ARMY, I want to enjoy my time off with you - he turned to look at you and smiled - and I really wanted to take the train - he added cheekily. He placed his big hand over your tiny one, you intertwined your fingers with his and rested your hands on the middle seat for the rest of the trip as you both looked out the window.

When you were at the platform, you looked up at the sign that was blinking, "incoming train" it read. South Gyeongsang? - you asked shocked, he looked down to see the expression on your face that accompanied the tone of your voice - we are going to my home town, my family's farm house, to be more exact. You looked away rubbing your arm, Tae was curious about what was going through your head - your family? I had no time to mentally prepare for this - you said deep in thought. He laughed airily and squeezed your hand - only the bailiff, his wife and their kid will be there - he glanced over at you after letting you suffer long enough to entertain himself.

Oh...okay - you said blinking and he regained your attention. I should visit my parents and siblings at some point though, I would feel bad being down there and not seeing them - he scratched at the back of his neck a little scared of your answer. Can we do it at some point on Sunday? Then I can have some time to get ready - he grinned rocking back and forth on his heels and toes and replied relieved - Sure, no problem.

You got in the train and were welcomed with a glass of either freshly squeezed orange juice or white wine, you chose the juice and Tae the wine. They handed you your glasses with a head bow and you walked to your seats, you had a private compartment. Fancy - you said looking around. Tae giggled and sat down. Don't laugh, I'll never get used to all these sophisticated things - you said with a soft, but serious tone. Tae was deep in thought, looking out the window at the scenery as the train sped past it - neither will I - he answered reminiscing of his childhood.

You took both empty glasses and placed them on the little table off the side. Then sat next to him and curled your arm around his, laying your head on his shoulder. You both looked out the window until it became too dark to see anything, you fell asleep while Tae observed the moon. Once he noticed you were out, he closed his eyes and made himself comfortable, laying his head on yours.

 Once he noticed you were out, he closed his eyes and made himself comfortable, laying his head on yours

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Next part should be up later or tomorrow, depending on how the day unfolds! Another member who needed to stop being so sexual, like Yoongi, haha.

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