Pampering (SJ)

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You arrived into the dorms as you usually did every week, carrying grocery bags to make dinner for the boys before they came back from work. You put them down by the door to open it and when you pushed it open, you saw the dim lights. There was a carefully set table for two in the middle of the living room, it had a crystal vase with red roses, a small candle making it sparkle and reflect colors all over the table. The silverware and plates looked very fancy, not like what you usually set the table with for everybody. You liked to help Jin with dinner whenever you could, he had spent so much time taking care of the boys and he probably was exhausted at the end of the day, so you wanted to be the one to take care of him now that he'd let you into his life.

You pushed the door closed as you took the heavy bags to the kitchen, as soon as Jin saw you holding them, he came and took them off your hands, placing them on the counter to put it all away later. Hello, jagi! - he said walking back to you and kissing your forehead. What are you doing? You know I like to take care of these things whenever I can - you questioned with a concerned look. No no no, not today. It's my turn to take care of you. Now go change, I left everything in the bathroom for you to get ready - he said quickly without letting you get a word in edgeways. He pushed you out of the kitchen as he went back to preparing dinner and putting the groceries away.

The apartment was empty, no one else was home. You walked in the dark towards the bathroom, which was the only place with its lights on. There was a beautiful, elegant dress hanging to a side and a small box that carried a perfume that Jin had probably picked out for you. A make up bag sat next to the sink and there were all sorts of bottles in the shower for you to wash yourself, things that were obviously not what a man would use. You shook your head thinking about how cute it was that he was doing all of this for you and only you.

Once you were fresh out the shower, you looked at the make up, you normally didn't wear it, so you took the hint that you probably should put some on for this special occasion. You knew he liked it when you dressed up for him, but most of the time you just wore comfortable clothes since you stayed in not to be spotted. Trying to compromise, you went for a soft and natural look. You sprayed the perfume on and let down your hair, which you usually had in a ponytail.

You went back to the living room and Jin was now waiting for you sitting on the couch. As soon as he saw you, he stood up. He was now wearing an exquisite suit that felt like something out of an award ceremony, he looked unbelievably handsome in a bow tie. Oh, isn't it Ms. Worldwide Beautiful! - he said admiring you from afar. You giggled at his silly comment and you both walked towards each other. You're stunning tonight, jagi - he said in a whisper as he took your hand and led you to the table, he moved your chair for you with his free hand and helped you sit down. Then he walked to the piano in the corner of the room, lit up a candle that was placed on top of it and sat down.

This evening I shall be playing a song for you on the piano that I've been writing for this night, ladies - he said with a cheesy smile, sending you a signature flying kiss - specially for the lady in the beautiful pastel colored dress. You shook your head at his dorkiness smiling from ear to ear, putting all your attention on him. He gave you a warm smile and turned to the keyboard to start playing. As you listened, you felt like you were in a dream, the sweet melody paired with Jin's voice made your heart melt. You closed your eyes to appreciate the music, the smile on your face never going away. When he was done, you clapped for him Bravo, Mr. Kim, bravo! - which made him laugh as he stood up and vowed thanking the "guests".

He briefly went to the other room and came back with two plates of what seemed like a gourmet entree. Oh my, what is this? - you said over-excitedly as he placed your food in front of you and sat down on the other side of the table. He cracked a joke at your remark and you both laughed, granted his jokes were indeed...peculiar, but you loved to see him so happy so you never doubted to join him on his giggle fits. You talked about your day and week, the band's plans for the upcoming month and shared the details of your every day life to fill each other in.

The light-hearted conversation was so lovely, you hadn't ever been able to do anything like this and you could tell Jin was beating himself up about the fact that he couldn't just take you out for dinner like he would have liked to. This was perfect though, you didn't expect him to do anything that could hurt him or his career. You had talked about this multiple times, his frustration for not being able to treat you like you deserved for being at his side, but the contradictory feelings about his responsibility as a band member and the eldest of the hyungs. It was one of the worries he constantly had, that never went away no matter how much you reassured him.

He finally brought dessert, it looked delicious, chocolate lava cake was your favorite and one of the first recipes you had taught him when you were learning about each other's favorite foods. He smiled at the expression on your face when you saw him coming with the delicately plated cake. You never look at me like that - he said feigning being offended. You laughed and pecked him as he leaned down to put it on the table.

You shared each other's desserts clumsily, chocolate dripping when Jin tried to feed you some of his cake in a seductive manner. That didn't go as intended, but you really enjoyed just being with the man you loved so much. He reached out with his napkin and cleaned the corner of your lips carefully to then offer you the strawberry that had been placed on top of his cake. You bit it giving him your best seductive look. I'm no longer the only 10 in a house of 8s now, but of course I couldn't be with anyone, but the most beautiful woman - he said and you blushed and covered your face in embarrassment. This was followed by a little playful argument about how you were indeed the most beautiful and anyone who couldn't tell, didn't know how to appreciate you separately or as a power couple. A "power couple", you were thoroughly amused by the points he made.

After dinner was done, you both changed into your pajamas and you insisted on doing the dishes. He resisted, but in the end you won, he had done way more than enough tonight. You felt the need to thank him somehow, it was the least you could do. Jin said he'd wait for you in his room, but when you arrived he was soundly asleep, holding his RJ plush. He must be exhausted, so you didn't blame him. You tucked him in and carefully climbed onto the other side of the bed not to wake him up. You cuddled up to his side, as close as you could without disturbing his sleep and before you could realize it, you were both asleep.

The boys came in the apartment ready to put everything Jin had prepared away, but you and him had already taken care of it. Yoongi walked past the bedroom's door and decided to close it not to bother you two, he briefly saw you two sleeping in a cute embrace. Gross - he said as he smirked and shut the door.

 Gross - he said as he smirked and shut the door

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Haha, can you tell I have trouble writing about every member. If you have any input, I'd love to hear it. Thank you for the 100+ reads!

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