Never been kissed (JM)

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He leaned in to kiss you and you took a couple of steps back and tripped on the uneven street tiles. As soon as you let out a gasp, Jimin noticed and slipped his hand around your waist to keep you from falling over. You were now in a dramatic pose as if it were out of a movie, with him curved forward, his legs open for stability and you held up in the air with only your toes touching the floor. It almost looked like part of a sensual choreography.

Jimin's eyes showed concern from the sudden shock, but as he looked into your eyes, his expression softened. He closed his eyes and went in for the kiss that wasn't and you squealed and covered your face. I-I'm sorry, Jimin - he heard your muffled voice apologize. He helped you stand on your feet again and you continued walking. You were both quiet and he did not offer his hand for you to hold as he usually did. He walked you to your place, sweetly kissed you good night on your forehead and left. His last smile weak before he turned around and walked away.

He walked into his room defeated, Hobi was still awake and when he looked up from his phone to greet Jimin, he saw the look on his face. Hey, Jiminie, what's up? - he asked with a worried look on his face. I don't think it's going to work out with her, hyung - he said in an almost inaudible voice. He took his clothes off, only leaving his t-shirt on and his underpants and he threw himself on his bed. Hobi got up and went to sit on his bed, reaching out to rub Jimin's back. What happened? Tell me, I'm here - he said encouragingly so that he would open up.

She refused to kiss me, she covered her face so that I wouldn't - he said, his voice cracking. Hobi pouted and thought for a minute, he was confused, from what Jimin had been confiding in him, you seemed to be very happy and into him. This was probably the fourth time you'd seen each other this month and things seemed to be going really well. He could tell the difference in Jimin, everyone could, but only Hobi knew what was going on, being his roommate. His heart broke at the thought of this relationship failing, Jimin was a very sensitive man and he deserved someone who would appreciate him. He tried not to rush to make any assumptions.

Did you talk to her about it? - Hobi said as he thought out loud. was clear that she did not want it - Jimin said harshly, annoyed at the seemingly stupid question. You don't know that, maybe there's a reason. You should talk to her, Jiminie, give it one last chance before giving up - Hobi said with a soft, but positive tone in his voice. He patted his shoulder and wished him a good night as he went back to his bed and turned off the light. Jimin huffed and covered his face with the comforter, what else did he have to lose, he thought to himself as a single tear ran down his cheek. He'd been holding in the pain that felt like a knot in his chest.

The next morning, you woke up to a text from Jimin. It said he wanted to talk to you, to call him when you were up, that didn't sound good. Had you made a mistake? You had been restless throughout the night, thinking about what had happened and replaying the situation over and over in your head. You clutched at your chest thinking about how you might have ruined what you had with Jimin for being a coward. Truth is that you really liked him, you liked him a lot.

The phone rang against your ear, but it felt like your head was ringing. You started to get anxious when you heard Jimin pick up and say hello with his silky voice.

- Hi Jimin - you answered shyly.

- About last night, I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I thought you wanted wanted me too - his voice soft and low on the other side of the phone.

- Jimin, I...I really like you, I truly do, but - you gulped, your voice was starting to shake.

- But I'm not the right person for you - he said bluntly, you could hear his agitated breathing.

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