Forgetting when you met (TH)

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You were at an after party for the latest event of Big Hit Entertainment. Taehyung had asked you to come with him as he wasn't going to be able to see you that evening and you happily joined him. The atmosphere was pretty casual and relaxed. Do you want some champagne? - he asked you pointing at a tray that was being carried around. You shook your head and looked at him as he picked a glass, he side glanced at you. It's one glass - he said slightly annoyed at your judging look.

A couple hours later, you were sitting on a couch sleepily, as your boyfriend danced way too enthusiastically not so far away from you. You knew that first glass was not a good idea, the other few naturally followed and it didn't take many anyway for the alcohol to get to his head.

You shook your head amused as you looked at him. Jin sat next to you, you didn't even blink, he followed your gaze - ah, he's a handful - he nodded and chuckled. You laughed softly - do you remember the day you met? - Jin said laughing before he even told the story.

You scowled at him, he knew well you did not remember and neither did Taehyung, but they'd never get tired of teasing you about it. Not even after over a year of being in a relationship. He was dancing just like that - he pointed at Tae - and you were sitting just like this - he looked back at you and you raised an eyebrow. Was he really going to tell you about that night at last? He covered his mouth repressing a laugh so he could keep talking.

You were just as drunk that night though, he came and sat next to you as Jin kept a close eye on him. You didn't want to talk, but he wouldn't leave you alone. He made it his mission to cheer you up that night as you seemed to be bored and ready to go home. When you refused to dance he pouted and laid on your side, all of his body weight crushing you against the armrest.

You tried to get him off you, but he started giggling at your touch when you tried to push him away. Jin walked up to you seriously and took hold of Tae's upper arm firmly - I am sorry about him - he said apologetically as he pulled him up from the couch with his eyebrows furrowed. He whined at his hyung, but he dragged him away paying no attention to him.

He looked back at you with sad puppy eyes, his lower lip poking out pitifully. That was rather cute, you tried not to laugh, but you were too intoxicated to pretend. You caught a glimpse of his wide smile when he saw your reaction. Jin instructed him to sit down and wait while he left to get some water to keep him hydrated. Like a little child, he watched until he was out of sight and ran away giggling.

You were laying with your eyes closed on the armrest when someone shook your arm roughly. You protested and opened your eyes ready to give whoever it was a death stare. Taehyung pinched your cheeks and then squished them in between his hands - it might not be obvious - he said cockily and laughed softly - but I think you're really cute. You narrowed your eyes and pursed your lips, staring up at him, this poor guy. He smirked - I knew you'd be surprised - he chuckled.

He turned around and noticed Jin was looking for him, he sat on the couch next to you and held a cushion to his face as if that would conceal him. We have to go - he urged you and took your hand. Before you could say anything he pulled you up to your feet and started running towards the nearest exit. His hold was strong and you had no choice but to follow him, tripping on your feet as you tried to keep up with his pace.

You were now sitting behind a tree in the backyard of the building. Tae peeked back holding his index finger up to his mouth, even though you were completely silent. When he realized Jin was still looking inside, he turned back at you and started laughing. He pressed his forehead against your shoulder and again put his whole weight on it.

Fed up, you stood up and he fell on the grass - where are you going? - he said trying to catch his breath. You stumbled around trying to find the way out - home - you mumbled. Let me walk you home - he said as he shuffled to his feet. You rolled your eyes and started walking towards the entrance you had now located. He walked after you despite you ignoring him.

He stopped a taxi and opened the door for you, you looked at him confused - you don't know where I live. He scoffed - of course I know - he moved his hand gesturing for you to get inside. You got in the car and then he followed. He closed the door and seriously instructed the driver where to go, he almost looked sober. But that's not my addr- he planted a kiss on your lips and didn't let you finish the sentence. You made out embarrassingly on the backseat until the man turned around and announced you had arrived.

Taehyung cleared his throat and licked his lips, straightening his coat with his hands before pulling out some money and paying the driver. Good night, sir - he said with a straight face and held the door open for you to come out. He took your hand to keep you from tripping when walking out. He pushed the door closed and brought you close to him, his face only a couple inches away from yours, he grinned at you deviously - where were we? - he murmured.

I don't live here - you said looking at the building in front of you. What do you mean? This is home - he said innocently, double checking that this was in fact the building of the dorms. He took your hand in his once more and pulled you to the entrance, then into the elevator and finally into the apartment. You looked around confused.

Tae was just a few steps ahead of you, he turned around when he didn't hear you move - are you coming with me? - he asked looking at you with a cute smile on his face. You giggled and walked after him - where? - you asked. My bed - he said smirking, you completely missed the point - oh, good, I'm tired - you smiled back at him relieved.

 My bed - he said smirking, you completely missed the point - oh, good, I'm tired - you smiled back at him relieved

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I guess you could consider this the prequel of "What on Earth happened?"

I've been paying closer attention to Joon and Jin, but guys, I can't. Nothing comes to my mind, this is going to end up being BTS - 2 Imagine, even though I seriously have nothing against them ;A; My only Jin story seems to be the least popular too from the views it has, so I don't know anymore.

The second part of "Idols don't date" should be up tomorrow, I'm still working on it.

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