Idols don't date (JK/Cont.)

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After a long, heartfelt talk with his hyung, Jungkook felt much better and was very grateful. he had never thought to question what was established, but Jin made it clear that his happiness was important and that he didn't have to give up on his personal life because of work. That the members would support him as long as he kept working hard. His approval was very important to him as his eldest hyung.

Now came the worries about you taking him back after he'd hurt you. He felt overjoyed when he saw being with you as an option he never had. But that quickly drowned in the thoughts of how there was the chance of being rejected. He messaged you and asked if you could talk, it took a while for you to reply, but you finally did at the end of the next day. You hesitantly agreed as you wanted to believe the guy you had dated wasn't as careless as he seemed that day.

Jin helped Kook put together a picnic basket, so you'd have a special moment without the need to go to a busy café. Two days later, you'd agreed to meet at the same park. He picked up your cups of coffee from the usual truck and sat on the blanket he brought. He'd chosen slightly less informal clothes to make it more meaningful.

He saw you walking to where he was with a confused look on your face, you weren't sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn't this. He stood up and, unlike last time, he had a big and sincere smile on his face. He was nervous though, you could tell just by the fact that he didn't just wait for you to sit down next to him. Thank you for coming - he said with a slight nod.

You sat down and looked at the blanket and basket. I prepared some things to eat while we talk - he said as he took out some baked goods. He placed a little heart shaped cake in front of you and looked at you with big doe eyes. You made a face at it - I don't understand, what is it that you want to talk about? - you said looking at it and then back at him.

I was wrong - he said and your heart skipped a beat - I thought there was no way we could be together, but I've talked about it and I've realized you're important to me and I don't want to let you go. He paused and looked at you scared of your answer. You nodded taking in his words, this is definitely something you wouldn't have imagined in a million years. A small smile drew itself on your face as you heard the loving words of the Jungkook you fell for.

Kook was now breathing in and out way too deeply as you took too long to answer - so what would this mean for us, exactly? - you asked wanting to be sure you had understood what he was trying to say. I want you to be my girlfriend, if you'll have me back - he said with a shaky voice, but a firm tone. You blushed surprised and looked away as he held his gaze with determination.

Do you, really? What about the other members? - you really wanted to say yes, but you didn't want to hurt as bad as you had the last few days or worse. You had both talked about what being together would mean for the band and those close to him and you were trying to listen to your head and not just your heart. You feared you'd jump into this and get carried away once more and you hoped Jungkook had really thought this through.

They are okay with it, they know now and I'll keep working hard - he reassured you and added - if it means you get to be part of my life I'll do anything I can to make it work. You threw your arms around him and hugged him tightly. He chuckled and held you close to him. This is the only thing I wanted - you said softly. Me too - he replied and hugged you tighter.

He let go of you and picked up the small cake, holding it up - you need to try this, it's chocolate and strawberries - he said excitedly. You laughed softly and took it, he pulled out two plastic forks as you opened the container. Before you could realize it, he was holding the fork in front of your face. You giggled and opened your mouth. So? - Jungkook asked impatiently. You held your hand to your mouth since he didn't even let you finish - it's really scrumptious - you said trying to finish chewing fast.

Just for my girlfriend - he said with a toothy smile stressing the last words and kissed your puffy cheek. You blushed and kissed his lips as soon as you finished. He responded placing his hands underneath your jaw and kissing your harder. He pushed you with his chest against a tree and lowered his hands to your waist as you held his torso firmly.

He pulled away and took his coffee cup - to us - he said chuckling. You took yours and toasted with him - to us - you repeated smiling widely. And like that the start of a beautiful relationship between you two finally began and you couldn't be happier.

The band instantly noticed the change in his maknae, he was back to being his normal self, even a little happier than before too. They wouldn't change that back and have him looking miserable. He was so hard on himself, always trying to do the right thing and in turn putting himself last, not wanting to be a burden on his hyungs. He could never be, they weren't sure why he thought that, but they made sure to constantly reassure him.

 He could never be, they weren't sure why he thought that, but they made sure to constantly reassure him

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Jungkook is so sweet, you guys, I want to give him a hug. The info I worked with was taken from Break the Silence, again, a documentary I recommend. He thinks he is the annoying little brother to the rest of the members and he feels like he has to work hard to live up to people's expectations of this title of "golden maknae" he was given. He wants to work hard for ARMY to live up to that. Have you ever seen him answering to the screams of people in concerts? He was crying this one time and being like "oh thank you" to a random scream, haha. Kookie is precious.

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